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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. This is my very modest contribution and all thats left after I abruptly left our sacred hobby back in 2008. I have the basic"stuff" plus some bobs and bit for scratchwork. I have about 10-15 1/32 scale Luftwaffe kits riveted and ready for paint that i made back in the days and will try to finish them here with you fine artists. I make everthing from scratch (saving bobs for kits and books) and my biggest inspiration since childhood is old Mr Verlinden and Mr washoup, their work is for me "the true art".. we live in a time I never belived would come- so much large scale subjects, so much information/books and aftermarket, the internet and the will to share... GOOD TIMES!!! lets see if I can post a picture... Regards Ted
  2. Ajcmac, I understand your English- no problem:) I like your Pfiel- well done! I agree with you about Gunze for Luftwaffe is the best solution and also tamiya thinner ( works very good) What kind of airbrush you use? Regards Ted
  3. Paulo, Great work- very convincing Flogger! Cheers Ted
  4. Adrien, Well done- fantastic metall finish and excellent photos (do you use photoshow filters?) All the best Ted
  5. Beautiful job on a beautiful Aircraft. Ted
  6. Paul, Sounds good- such a good way to educate and teach the younger generations. Also teaches them different recreational activities besides sports and computer games.. your doing a great service to the community! Cheers Ted
  7. Paul, It looks like a warm and friendly enviorment. You gus have youth and minors too? Cheers Ted
  8. Yeah Baby! It looks very convincing indeed! Cheers Ted
  9. Beautiful work Jim- lovely! What gear and aftermarket "stuff" are you using? Also: what brand of colour? Again- stellar work! Cheers Ted
  10. I must ask: Did you buy it directly from Fly? Ted
  11. Hehe... I'm so slow! I just saw the add in tools.... I'm sloooooow..... Ted
  12. Aha-I see..well, it looks to fit all sorts of shapes and sizes.. how does it look empty and what is included? What does it cost? very clever design I must say! Cheers Ted
  13. Hi Johan, Thank you for taking the time to make this tutual- It' s very interesting to see how you work! Did you design and build that jigg? What pressure setting do you use when working that close? Cheers Ted
  14. Hi Peter! I can only agree with Mr Peters- colour, grime and details fits the scale perfect. I get my te cup and wait for your bext update:) Cheers Ted
  15. Very good- I'm starting towards getting on of these thanks to you and Jeroen (and any other I might forget in the moment) Nice thing cutting up the landingflaps- It adds drama to the score! Cheers Ted
  16. Lovely build Bevan- just Lovely! You're a master of shades and mixes.. I must ask about your camera gear and set up- what are you using? Cheers Ted
  17. Come on.. you can do it! It all depends on how many airbrushes can you juggle at one time. Ted
  18. Looks great Ralph! Cheers Ted
  19. You're making good progress! Is Gunze your preference when airbrushing? Ted
  20. Aron- that's one mean looking Germanish Bumerang! Big price difference buying at the show compared to online? Cheers Ted
  21. You living the dream! I'm confined to a third of the coffetable when the kids asleep..! Merry Christmas Ted
  22. Great- I've never seen a z-m build before! Merry Christmas Ted
  23. Aaaargh Man- don't...stop... please! Merry Christmas Ted
  24. How did you find the fuselage/lower wing and upper wing joint? (I had some weird fit issue) Ted
  25. What the others said! The Friedrich is such a beautiful design and you made it stand out here. Ted
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