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Everything posted by TeWika

  1. Intressting thread, I hope for a Do-217 and or a He-126.. Maybee a P-38/F-5..That's something! All the best Ted
  2. Jeroen, As allways a true joy watching your work.. you are a master of shades and colour.. well done! Is this Oob? All the best Ted
  3. Hi Gang, Mikester@ The reason I asked if it was "just" all you did is that your I.P is not the same as my version from zoukei-Mura. My I.P is much more clustered and looks smaller than the I.P in your picture. Peter@ Yes, that's is another alternative. The thing is that I have very little experience with photo etch... Decisions, decisions.. Thanks guys for the good advice, I'll try this afternoon and we see howvit turns out. All the best Ted
  4. Thanks Mikster, That's a sweet instrument panel and looks like good time management. No, I'd prefer your solution if I can pull that off- was that all you did, mask and spray? Good advice Mikester- thank you! All the best Ted
  5. Good work Matt, you' re fast! Ted
  6. Well done Matt! I must build one of these... I love the form. All the best Ted
  7. Hi gang, I´ve been struggeling with the cockpit since last update. I think all is good except the Instrumentpanel( my skills aren´t good enough to make it glow) the photo etch one from ZM is rather blueish and when I looked for a replacement at Eduard they had the same blueish finish(?), so I must make one my self.. I don´t have enough photos of the landing gear so I´m stuck there tooo ...hmmm.. I decided to shoot some Aluminum in order to keep this from stalling.( I really hope the stretchskinn and all the dent´s show- they to most time to make) hope you like it All the best Ted
  8. Thank you Peter, I know... but there MUST be rivets!! Imagine rivet a Corsair, B-25 or B-17... (crying) Incredible joy watching your build All the best Ted
  9. Jeroen, She's looking good (and the Claw) you will have a super duo between the Ardo and Owl- so cool!! All the best Ted
  10. Peter, Outstanding craftmanship!! All the best Ted
  11. thanks guys! the main wing is finally finished, but I must get more ink before I can photograf the result:( I will start with the cockpit and landing gear tomorrow... Aaaaah- soon she will be ready for some paint!! All the best Ted
  12. micha, You work so fast and with so much presision, well done! All the best Ted
  13. Mish, Robert Duvall I think is a great actor (watch him in the great Santini if you haven't allready seen it) and is perfect in that roll, your build is equally great! Well done- you are much braver than I'm All the best Ted
  14. Come on Jeroen.. show us your new Batcave! Ted
  15. Well done! Thank you for linking to the buildthread, nice read! Again; well done! All the best Ted
  16. Thank you Honza! I easely get "Anal" and my dear wife thinks I go "full retard" evertime I pick up a kit... I hope it's worth it in the end! All the best Ted
  17. Hi Nige, Lucky no one can hear me when I rivet and sand, I really have a bad mouth at times!:P I hear you Nige, it is not what I would have expected for a modern kit, but I do enjoy the general shape and form. Mi biggest issue with the kit is the different colour sprues especially the semimetallic parts, so hard to see what I´m doing. I won´t be using any of the details on the inside wich make the fitting issue less problematic. I also "just"filled ever gap with Cyano( works best for me) so I can rivet without punching throuh the shimes. I hope you can muster, becuase she is a beauty overall. I´m glad you liked her. All the best Ted
  18. Hey Gang! I´ve made some more progress on the tail and mainwing. after much work sanding the lowerwing adding some stretchskinn and dents here and there I completed one side( it took about 8 hours) I tried to follow the rivetlines on the NASM bird thereof the sniggly lines( these late war birds sure was sloppy work) I must say that the softness is very varied over the surface(?) so I needed to tone it down in places. she looks somewhat unfinished in places , but I connect the topside lines with the bottom later. Hope you like it so far All the best Ted
  19. Mish, Good work- I really like the Mustang. All the best Ted
  20. Peter, She looks lovely- just perfect! All the best Ted
  21. Hi Matt, You're really Frenching that cockpit up- sweet work! What colour brand is that RLM66? Hmmm... I might get me one of those new Revell 109... she looks good. All the best Ted
  22. Perfect- we need a dirty Greek here! It's such a unique aircraft, hope you get propper benchtime soon All the best Ted
  23. Polux, Phenomenal development, what a transformation from just plastic to beauty! I don't really know what to say here... oh la la (?!) C'est La grand!! All the best Ted
  24. Thanks Aaron, The tricky part is trying to find good reference and/or better glasses (Lol!), I accidentally riveted the tail thinking it was kosher but no joy there. Now I need to find some cool scheme for her. I think I give her a bare Aluminum finish first and take it from there. A'm glad you like her so far! All the best Ted
  25. Honza, The gear looks great- I love it! All the best Ted
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