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Everything posted by recon

  1. Would like to see everyone in Madison this year!
  2. Yes, this is the academy kit. I used the Reskit exhaust and the RedFox cockpit upgrade set. Mike
  3. Here are a few pics of my F-18C. Pics were taken with my phone, sorry for the poor quality.
  4. Just detailing parts for my armor and aircraft dioramas! mike
  5. As we are about 7 months out I would like to give a short update on a couple of items I am planning. 1) A meet and greet for us large scale builders, hopefully Friday morning . 2) a Dinner at one of the local restaurants, day to be determined. we did this in Pheonix and it was a lot of fun. Mike
  6. I agree with smitty, let’s meet in Madison. I am glad I do not need to try and get an hotel room this year.
  7. How do I add pictures to a pm? Mike
  8. How good/bad is this kit? I have an opportunity to get this kit “cheap”! Mike
  9. Here are a couple of pics of a diorama I started with my A-1E. Hope you like it.
  10. recon


    I am the one on the right!😂😂
  11. recon


    She is finally finished. It was a great conversion to work with. Thanks for the compliments! Mike
  12. recon


    Here are a couple of more pics. All I need to do is add a few small parts and dull coat it. Pics are from my phone, sorry if they are not that good. I named it : No more mister nice guy! Mike
  13. Thoughts and prayers Harv, get well soon. Mike
  14. Yes, it is a bubbler!
  15. Here are some suggestions for the group build: 1. P-51 2. USN WW2 3. ME-109 4. F-4U Corsair I would like to get this started as soon as possible to give everyone enough time to get it done. I would also like to get a list of who will participate. Have a good day, Mike
  16. If this is the same group they are building a 8th AF P-47 squadron.
  17. A couple of ideas, P-51, USN WW2, planes of the Vietnam war! Mike
  18. I would be in!
  19. We can set up our own theme for the group build!
  20. recon


    Yes, I have the cowl glued on now and doing touch ups on the painting. Thanks for your help, Mike
  21. For those that are considering going to the 2024 IPMS Nationals in Madison, Wi. What do you think about doing a group build! Let me know your thoughts, Mike
  22. Here are a few pics of the Fisher A-1E I am building.
  23. I am in need of some help with this build. So if you have built this plane please pm me as I have some questions for you. Thanks, Mike
  24. Ernie, Smitty and myself Recon. Had a great time, Radu was here also. Mike
  25. I had a package that went from Sprue brothers to New Jersey. I live in Wisconsin!
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