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Everything posted by dodgem37

  1. 'I have finished painting and decals are all on - It was a bit of a challenge to put together the decals as nothing exists for a Moroccan F-16. I went through a couple of 1/48 sets of Moroccan jets and a 1/32 sheet supposed to go on an F-5.. Biggest challenge however was the red "Ejection Seat Warning" triangles - I challenge anyone to come up with a single F-16 in the world with red warning stencils!! - I found one in the end though - the F-16 "Wraith" aggressor - so I got 2 sheets of decals only to get to the 4 decals I needed. The lettering is transparent on the decals but white on the jet so I had to paint tiny white triangles where the decals would go. It all went fine and I think it really catches the eye on this paint job. The remaining black colored stencils where sourced from a sheet of Polish F-16s. The numbers are from generic USAF sheets.' From here: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/94671-f-16d-block-52-royal-moroccan-air-force-done/page/2/ Sincerely, Mark
  2. I prime, then paint, then gloss, then weather rubber tires. Nowadays I mostly build 1/24, 1/25 soft skin and armor. Lots of rubber tires in that lot. I prime with grey (Model Master), paint with Lacquer Acrylic (AK Interactive), gloss coat (Acrylic Floor Polish [Quick Shine]), then weather (oils). Nary a problem. Sincerely, Mark
  3. Martin asked that I post in progress photos of this build. Martin, your wish is my commando. I started this build about 25 years ago and worked on it for about 5 years before I came to a stopping point. I picked it up last May and finished it about a week ago. Images in no particular order. Photo intensive. Thanks for looking. Sincerely, Mark
  4. 1/25 Tamiya IDF Sho't Kal Gimel Sincerely, Mark
  5. Inspo from Hendon , thought I had more sadly More: https://www.ipmsstockholm.se/home/messerschmitt-me-262b-in-detail/ Sincerely, Mark
  6. Wonderful work, O B Wan. You are so creative. Could you provide a link to this tool? I would be most appreciative. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark
  7. Brother Bear, I have been using each for years. I use 1/2 oz. Solo, less waste. As for the pipettes, I have one dedicated and labeled with a sharpie for each solvent. Lacquer, enamel, water, windex, etc. That way not cross-contamination. For paint measurement, I use a dental mixing tool. Dip it. A drop[ is a drop is a drop, whether it comes out of a pipette or the edge of the above tool. For our purposes the volume of paint and thinner from each dispenser is the same. Just sayin'. You know, for a friend. Sincerely, Mark
  8. Great work, Oliver. You never cease to amaze me with your applied research. I would hate to be the guy dragging the tool chest over that uneven ground. I know you said your figure is designed, I'm curious as to if he's scanned. Thank you. Sincerely, Mark
  9. https://www.amps-armor.org/SiteMain/Main.aspx There may be a Chapter near you. Sincerely, Mark
  10. Some of the finest, Oliver. Long Island H-34. Accidently came across their barn way out on the Island while wife and I were Vineyarding one Black Friday. Gave a few bucks to them over the years to help them restore. Article: https://suffolktimes.timesreview.com/2021/11/column-with-a-vietnam-era-helicopter-they-made-history/ Sincerely, Mark
  11. Run it under hot water. I use an InSinkErator. Sincerely, Mark
  12. Exhaust valve. As also seen on tractor-trailers. Sincerely, Mark
  13. Thank you, my brother. Sincerely, Mark
  14. Gotta name, address, and phone number? Thank you. Sincerely, Mark
  15. Another fine display of a Masters talent. Don't forget to fill in that sink hole. A Judge's flashlight will find it for sure. Sincerely, Mark
  16. Latest in Canfora Publishing, Wingspan 4. Model by Ralph Reise. Sincerely, Mark
  17. 'Will you be joining the GB?' No, just passing through. In case you didn't see the below within the link, this is a list of my references that I used for my build, if you so desire. I also have a CD of Elco Microfilm. A big help. Found here: http://ptboatforum.com/documents.html Books are: PT 157 by Bridgeman Carney Military Miniatures in Review No's 50 & 51 U.S. PT-Boats of World War II by Frank Johnson PT Boats Behind the Scenes by Frank Andruss, Sr. American PT Boats in World War II, Volume II by Victor Chun Allied Coastal Forces of World War II, Volume II: Vosper MTBs & U.S. ELCOs by John Lambert and Al Ross. Websites are: http://www.fineartmodels.com/PT_Boat.html http://pt103.com/ Good stuff. Sincerely, Mark
  18. Spent some time on this kit as well: https://modelshipwrights.kitmaker.net/forums/260869/index.htm
  19. Happiest of Birthdays, my Brother. Sincerely, Mark
  20. What's there not to like? Fantastic work, equally fantastic finish. Sincerely, Mark
  21. Good show, Dave. Sincerely, Mark
  22. Nice rendering. Who made the skirts? Thank you. Sincerely, Mark
  23. Apologies for taking so long to respond. Bolts are here. Sincerely, Mark
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