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About BradG

  • Birthday 01/04/1984

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Model building; 1/32 and 1/48 aircraft (mostly), 1/35 armour and 1/72 and 1/350 warships. I also play club cricket for a local team where I've opened the batting for the last 15 years. I retired from wicket keeping with over 150 dismissals.

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  1. Hey guys, As a few here might know I am a member of Moorabbin Air Museum down here in Melbourne Australia. Currently the museum has decided to embark upon the restoration of their Avro Lincoln which the museum acquired some years ago from the UK. You might have known this aircraft when it was at the Aviation Museum in Southend. Before we got it however, the aircraft was stipped of all Lancaster parts, so it is in need of a lot of work. The museum has started a gofundme to help with restoration and anything you might be able to spare would be appreciated. We are also looking for Lincoln parts, those of the nose and cockpit are of a particular interest. If you had any parts the museum would be very interested in talking to you and you can contact them via their facebook page, link below. The gofundme link is also below, more pictures of the aircraft can be found on the facebook page. I have asked permission to post this too. TIA. https://www.gofundme.com/f/gaf-avro-lincoln-restoration?attribution_id=sl:9b3f26cc-d34a-4982-83e3-40f9a5477297&utm_campaign=natman_sharesheet_dash&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link https://www.facebook.com/moorabbinairmuseum
  2. Works every time.
  3. Get a woman who treats you like the king you are lol.
  4. RIP Peanut
  5. Tamiya kits are always pretty good, although I dislike how they do their canopy and windscreen, it makes for some tricky gluing. Other than that I used the Microscale Decals 72-105 for the Israeli markings and even after 20 years in the decal folder, they worked perfectly. Paints used were Gunze 334 light grey with 54 blue and 402 green brown. Thanks for looking.
  6. I did a light wash of the panel lines, but I read that they were fairly well kept so you're quick identification markings were probably the first to be cleaned....well it's what I'd want if I was the pilot lol
  7. I bought this on a bit of a whim without knowing much about it. Turns out it was a new kit which I was surprised to see. Fit is pretty good, just be careful with the lower fuselage to wing joint. Also the canopy, being 2 pieces was a little tricky to get right, I'm not sure why Airfix did it like this because you cannot post the canopy open. Detail is a bit on the light side, but you can't see much through the closed canopy in any case. I've read that the tail is slightly undersize, but I haven't measured anything. Overall it's a decent model for a good price and I'm happy with how it turned out.
  8. Yes Brazil.
  9. This is the Italeri kit in 1/48, it's been around for quite some time now however it's molding are crisp and detail is good for a kit this size. Several decal options are available on the very nice decal sheet, these settled down with almost no effort at all. Fit is pretty good, the biggest issue was the lower fuselage wing to fuselage which required a little sanding, everything else, provided you do a little clamping, fits very well.
  10. I picked this up second hand a few months ago, having built the larger 1/35 model a few years ago. I was impressed with the fit, mold and detail of these 1/72 kits. Box options are either Russian or Czech, but I chose to build something based on the Syrian systems, which had any number of brown over green camouflage patters, including miss matched camouflaged or white missiles. The most complex part was the painting as you can easily build this model in an hour or two. I glued it down to a simple base made from a coaster and some sandy looking grout. I might get a few more of these Trumpeter 1/72 armour kits in future now.
  11. @PanzerWomble Damn I didn't even know that Frog kit existed, hell I showed that to dad and he had not even seen it and he grew up building Frog! As for the other kit, 270 quid is a little beyond my budget, but it does look nice.
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