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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. Just think of how good you'll feel helping those Canuck men and women..
  2. Well WNW are attending TELFORD aren't they this year so WE may get to know more.. might have to ply Mr.Richard Alexander with cool Beers to loosen his tongue...
  3. Good job I ate already prior to reading this thread..
  4. Smitty... RESPLENDENT photographs of very STUNNING looking Aircrafts... Quite a plethora of BEAUTIFUL aircraft's... thank you for sharing your joyous time with us ... {by the way THAT photo with the crew men and women looks good too but is that red thing around that crew member's ankle a monitoring tag ? Looks like one.... }
  5. More hard work for you Jeff...
  6. Is that another name for ME .. Grazie
  7. So I am booked into Marriott. My dates are from 3rd August to 9th August .... tried 6th to 10th but no availibility so had to go with 3rd to 9th .. So I am coming it seems... I know you said Marriott was sold out but there are still rooms available{or there were at 01.10am MY time}. WOO HOO... whoopedoo... only 2 minutes to the Convention center... not bad .... I am going to Chattanooga.... can't wait... Better get the coffers filled up with Dubloons to pay for it all !!! see ya Smitty... Harv and Bev... Cupcake and Joy.. and Mike.... and the rest of the gang.... MARU 5137... I mean Sunshine....
  8. Jeff... HAPPY 95TH BIRTHDAY TO your Mom... May they both have a Long AMAZING life together... does that mean your Mom's was on 21st As well...cuz WE share the same BIRTHDAY... ooh I like that... Give her MY love and best wishes for her Birthday ... ..and say Hi to your Dad too from ME..
  9. Links to Chattanooga Hotels guys ? Thank you muchly in advance...and where are most of you booked into....
  10. So Smitty said I'd better get MYSELF over there... who's gonna argue with a first class professional man like Smitty... Not ME... So Cupcake and Smitty and recon... I gotta do this.... .
  11. Absolutely John.. I agree 5000 %....
  12. So I have a friend who has his Helicopter business at this place and looks like The WHITE FLUFF stuff has arrived early... Live view - AXIS P3344 Network Camera
  13. Oooh.... Smitty.... I am scared.... Thank you Buddy.... well since you put it that way I suppose I had better book the hotel soon... and put in a request for annual leave.... Sunshine.
  14. I LOVE that.. thanks Peter. Sunshine.
  15. Well THAT MEANS A LOT coming from you Sir.. Peter I hold you in the highest esteem and a great, friendly nice person and proud to call you MY FRIEND. Thank you....
  16. Cheers Hubert... please do... thank you.... Enjoy it and this too.... Watch "AC-DC Thunderstruck / Jet Fighters" on YouTube
  17. It was probably Martin who sent it... PayPal Canada ?!! Him or William J...
  18. Hey Danny.... thank you for your good wishes.. maybe one day you may jump over the big Pond and see us at Telford... Have a beautiful day....
  19. Hello Cupcake... feels like Midnight here too... but it ain't! so that means if it's midnight there MY Birthday has just begun and I can ask for more.... here's a list !! Thank you... and I hope your day is full of sunshine and smiles and S.....S.... let's not go there!
  20. Full of the joys of the world I am ! Did WE meet at Phoenix NATS as I can't remember if you attended ... Thank you kind Sir... will have to have chocolates as a hangover cure for all the Chocolate cake I ate.....
  21. Hello Jeff and Cathy.. Thank you... you are the BEST ... and if course feel free to indulge in sone Liquor... after all Dandy is Fine but Liquor is QUICKER.... HAVE A few on ME.... will pay you later. just put it on MY worldwide tab... love ya both.
  22. Oh Hello Bill.... Welcome to LSM... large scale MARU... Thank you kindly...
  23. Fur coat comes to mind.... thank you dearest friend Martin.
  24. Thanks I will try but on half nights.... lol... but that won't stop hard partying ....
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