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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. MY FAVORITE.... Thank you Ivan.. WOW.... loved that....
  2. Helllllooop Harv.... yep I just told you I was gonna get some sleep after night duty .. and well here I am.... thank you to you and lovely Bev for your birthday Wishes... thought I could have slithered away quietly but you got ME.. Dearest friend you put a smile on MY face and MY heart is filled with love and joy for you both... Thank you...
  3. Not sure yet.. Looks like an impossibility at the mo!
  4. SUPER DUPER Photos Smitty. Jealous..ME...? Nah.... ... erm... is that Cupcake in the red tee shirt... I swear he looks like him.... he has the same swagger as Cupcake...
  5. Nice Loot everyone.
  6. Love your Avatar...
  7. I LOVE ANZAC biscuits.... yum yum....
  8. WHOA !! 9 pages.. Harvey Dearest Friend... this is longer than your WIP threads .. Just teasing ya.. Love ya really.
  9. BAND ?! That calls for a song... Paul Simon - Wristband. love ya back Harv.
  10. Looks like Harvey and Cupcake are ready for a sortee ! Or do I mean a Soireé....
  11. Heck.... I see the PARTY moved .... to HERE.... WOO HOO.... WELCOME to everyone who bailed out and is here.. Enjoy. It is nice to see all of you. MARU 5137
  12. WE told you to take it easy on those LIKES ... no wonder you got kicked off.. but hey you're home ... Out of curiosity... Why? { I got an e mail Harv to inform ME that you had posted in MY Birthday thread for Anthony in NZ... so went to check it out over there... and Lo! And behold! Your happy birthday post isn't even on.. .... } WOW.
  13. You are both welcome..
  14. Fact: A Home Recipe to Get Rid of Skunk Odor What has been proven to work, according to a variety of sources, is a home concoction developed by Paul Krebaum and published Chemical & Engineering News back in 1993: 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide1/4 cup baking soda1 teaspoon liquid detergent Mix in a large, open container and use immediately. According to Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, it can be safely used on people, pets, clothing, and furniture. But the mix cannot be covered or stored because it can explode a closed container. To get rid of the leftover solution, dilute it heavily with water, and pour down the drain. Retail Products That Work Experts from Cornell University, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and other universities and government agencies also recommend over-the-counter products that contain neutroleum alpha to get rid of skunk smells on pets. These products are available at many pet stores. Getting Rid of Skunk Smells In the Home If people or pets come into the house before being de-skunked, you may find that the smell lingers in the air. To get rid of it, boil vinegar in a pan. The home will now smell like vinegar, but once that smell is gone, the skunk odor should also be gone. Take care. And precautions ARE order of the day when using chemicals....gloves..eye glasses... etc.
  15. Hello Smitty .. If you go dontcha forget photos or videos....
  16. Rick.. I started with the dessert.and now I am looking how it was made. SUPER build.. saw the glamor finished pictures first and now this simply quite IMPRESSIVE workmanship. good job.
  17. Micha.. RESPLENDENT IN Dutch Orange !!! It looks FANTASTIC.
  19. Rick.. Well COLOR ME BLUE the group build over on LSP would have been just the right place for your OUTSTANDING,STUNNING Blue Mosquito. lip smacking jaw dropping GORGEOUS !! it looks quite EFFULGENT in those colors ... simply SUPERBLY modeled... KUDOS...
  20. MARU 5137

    Mig 31

  21. Jason.. ..That Sir is quite IMPRESSIVE. Looks like the COOLER KING .... I think you have done a SPLENDID job on Steve McQueen's BLACK LEATHER jacket. LOVED IT... KUDOS.
  22. Hello Peter.. just popped in to see if you had put up any more updates. I betcha you're beavering away frantically to get it done. well hope to see More.
  23. Kent. WOW!!! the accessories for the Diorama are going to enhance your little Vignette. SUPERBÉ
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