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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. RESPLENDENT .... SO shiny and looking GORGEOUS .. Did you string them as in-flight mode. Love to see them flying the high sky of your ceilings etc Thank you for sharing.
  2. Micha.. Your talents and skills for scratchbuilding etc are EXEMPLARY. One heckuva a build you have gotten there Sir. This one is STUNNINGLY finished. The Weathering... the stones et al are IMPRESSIVE TO see. KUDOS
  3. Love how you turn out sone really OUTSTANDING builds with unique subjects. Another Fine looking model and "street furniture" is well done too.... grass.. stones... rough terrain.. fencing.. ABSOUTELY PERFECTION ... WOW !! (Need a WOW smilie).
  4. Micha.... Another EXEMPLARY buikd with a SUPERB diorama.. you almost feel cranking of the crane as it lifts.. BEAUTIFUL job..
  5. Peter... Well that takes every biscuit in the cookie jar. WOW !!! Its nice to see you working in 1:48 scale and your Harrier is turning out to be one classy build..
  6. Thank goodness. NO Serious damage then to the retina etc I presume. I will have to buy you Sunglasses for your Christmas present.
  7. Mirek.. TOP NOTCH of a build
  8. Rob. what a poignant story and historical (And SO TRUE) background to your dwelling. I would feel humble to live in such a home that held such a history ..of sadness and joyful laughter and to have Had Fighter pilot Rudy Burgwal live there. Thank you for sharing. did you get a plaque made and have it out up on the house wall for all to see. In the UK,certain bodies in Government and local council offices , can apply to gave plaques put up outside those places/houses/homes etc which were frequented or lived in by famous person/persons. I think if you were to approached your Local Town's Mayor and outlined the historical background to the dwelling;they may consider such a plaque to commemorate it's very own Citizen for His services in recognition of what he did just thinking out loud. once again Thank you for sharing your story and enjoy living there. photo from the other gentleman showing your home is delightful!
  9. Had a look. And looks very Good and impressed by its contents. I have to think ..Do I NEED yet another aviation book
  10. Any pics yet of your TOMCAT.
  11. You went to the movies in Phoenix... wish I'd known ....Thanks for this
  12. Licking Boots already... Well that's good if WE get a Vendors/traders thingy here. Keep up the Good work. How are your eyes ??
  13. More like a Yacht Jeff .. HUGE One with a bar so Cupcake can have his tipple as WE cross over to the darker side!
  14. Kent.. AWESOME.. Thank you.
  16. Danny I don't suppose you still have gotten the photos.can't see the initially posted pics.
  17. Okay This is MY favorite.. Heck all your Cars are AMAZING ... I LOVE them all. KUDOS on turning out BEAUTIES like this.
  18. Now this is MY FAVORITE so far. Such aethestic flowing lines.very Pleasing to MY eyes. BEAUTIFUL ..
  19. VERY EFFULGENT AND SO GORGEOUS in the resplendent orange glow kind of color.. MAGNIFIQUÉ. BRAVO on yet another OUTSTANDING vehicle build from you.
  20. Model Arts.thats simply IMPRESSIVE model.
  22. Richard Alexander of WNW was at Phoenix NATS this year and he joined us for dinner (there was Smitty,Harv and his Wife Bev,Tim(Biggers),Wolf, Ernie,Radu(Radub),Brian (Out2gtcha) and ME (Martin was unwell ) and the gentleman was SO quiet and never said a word about anything that was in production or what he was bringing out. WE plied him with Beer but not a word ... so THERE you have it... unless he secretly told Radu who was sat next to him !!!
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