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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. WE can run loose .... GREAT ! How LOVELY. No red card
  2. MY MOM was half Indian and half South African and Her MOM was South African so a little bit Afrikaans /similar to Ditch was spoken in the house. Thank you. MARU 5137.
  3. Jeroen Ik heb deze SUPERB-build gelezen. het is fantastisch. BRAVO
  4. Hello Michael....... WHOA Boy!!! I have to say that even though you are an Armour modeller I THINK your first foray into figures and Aircraft is OUTSTANDING. I have to say that modelers who build Armour can teach US a few things about weathering etc.. Just saying. Your group of figures are EXCEPTIONALLY GORGEOUS. You have captured their caricatures,gestures and stances very well and look very much like the REAL Thing. WOW !!! they ARE AMAZING Looking figures. You have one SPECTACULAR project and read through the links of your Tiger II ...SUPERB.... AND with the B-17 it will be magnificent. Artists take time in their creative arst like Picasso so not to worry if you are doing things slow by slow. but do keep us posted. Thank you for sharing your lovely and action filled Diorama. KUDOS.
  5. Hello Ernie.. just another MUSTANG ....no such phrase in MY vocabulary. Glad yo see your build and it's looking mighty FINE... Very IMPRESSIVE . I LOVE MUSTANGS... Thank you.
  6. just seen OUR Good friend has also joined here... William J. woo hoo .. nice to see you here Will I AM.
  7. Jeff .. ME ... it's irresistible ..
  8. msm20 by Monkeys Spotters. Published August 15th.2018. enjoy the photos. https://issuu.com/monkeysspottersmagazine/docs/msm20
  9. Peter.. funnily enough YOU were the one I thought about as I know you have flown the Piper (I remember a lot of things ) and when I posted it,thought if Peter sees this , he may just think back to his PIPER days. glad you enjoyed seeing the photos and glad I made your day.
  10. Martin.... EXCELLENT workmanship on a COOL subject. looking very Good.
  11. AIR TO AIR photos that are just AWESOME. https://issuu.com/isaporg/docs/isnap_may_2015
  12. I like books ..Of Every kind. so have to share this with y'all !!! Click on pictures and words to expand. ISnAP January 2017 by International Society of Aviation Photography. https://issuu.com/isaporg/docs/isnapjan2017
  13. Cupcake... sounds like you mean to build Models MORE . safety and health comes first.... see ya.
  14. Gun Camera World War II..... I think you will like this as it shows photographs taken during WWII. { you can expand the texts etc by clicking on it. { And expand the screen by clicking on "box".} }. https://issuu.com/ufobject/docs/gun_camera_world_war_ii_-_photography_from_allied_ Enjoy. MARY 5137.
  15. Hello Rob.. oh that's AWESOME... I look forward to your extraordinary builds with WnW figures etc. yes So many local hobby stores WE grew up using;visting and drooling over and counting ours pennies to buy the next BIG model was always a joy have sadly being replaced by online stores against whom I HAVE NO problem.. but to go down to THE LHS at the weekend as a kid was something I looked forward to WHEN school finished. when and IF I get an opportunity to travel to Berlin for a holiday I will surely do as you suggest.. sounds like I could spend all day in there ! Rob Thank you replying to MY post.
  16. http://www.kellerkind-miniaturen.com/ Being such a inquisitive (well you can call ME Nosey) so and so enquiring minds like to checkout Ads on the Forums FrontPage..in the side bar. Not good just to know it's there but checking it out ,you get to see see lots of NOICE things.. for instance above link. Looks very impressive the work done on the rock and vegetation. Just wanted to share that. It can be seen and read in English too. I HAVE NO affiliation to this or any other businesses advertised on the LSM..(if I did I would be a millionaire by now ! ) Thank you.
  17. Stop nattering... ....and GET ON WITH IT before you get NO time at all for yourself or to yourself ... Now GO ..
  18. VERY AUTHENTIC and nicely done M8cha. liking the CAT . Lovely.
  19. Micha.. ANOTHER SPECTACULARLY STUNNING Model. Well done.
  20. Michael/Micha.. OUTSTANDING Work .. you can almost feel it's heaviness as it moves along... nicely depicted. Looks AMAZING
  21. Kent.. I have looked at most of your work/builds on forums and you never ceased to amaze ME with your IMPRESSIVE Detailing and precision with models you create... This LANCASTER is EXQUISITE and your workmanship, your methodical and flawless approach to a build is SUPERB. GORGEOUS all round.
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