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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. { I ran out of likes ...sorry }. I treated Myself to very old Roman Coins { 6 in a set } with Roman Emperors heads showing ... And 2 coins thatformed the treasure from SS CAIRO that had sunk many many many years ago to depths that is more than The Titanic. Boring to many but I love COINS.
  2. He( KAI)must be busy with life stuff maybe. Hope he keeps well.
  3. Be still MY Beating Heart. Thank you PanzerWomble For the video share.
  4. Women are sneaky eh Scott.
  5. AMAZING gentleman. Thank you for sharing the video.
  6. Hello PanzerWomble . Hope you are keeping well as I hope all of you are. MARU.
  7. I wish I could come and enjoy your company and dining out as We did in Phoenix. Alas other plans get in the way. But Mike have a great time and take photos to share here. All the best. MARU 5137.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-68099144 when I watched this I thought it was going to see it hit motorway traffic etc etc al. There's a description beneath the video clip.
  9. STUNNING!! Super job Mike.
  10. Harvey, SORRY I have not been here but have had cell phone issues. ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to see and read that you are recovering very well. { if you still have MY cell phone number , can you text ME your cell phone number, hone telephone number and the address too... All lost and need to sort it out } THANK You. BEST WISHES. MARU5137
  11. https://m.facebook.com/gustav.jung.7/posts/pcb.6615318238562668/?photo_id=6615316458562846&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.6615318238562668%26photo%3D6615316458562846%26profileid%3D0%26source%3D48%26__tn__%3DEH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdp=1&mdf=1
  12. The first link has link within it to look at more stuff. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/hobbyboss-81774-b-24j-liberator--1468821/relatedhttps://www.scalemates.com/kits/hobbyboss-81774-b-24j-liberator--1468821 http://www.hobbyboss.com/index.php?g=home&m=article&a=show&id=243&l=en
  13. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/star-wars-collection-auction-dallas-greg-jein-models-x-wing-fighter-stormtrooper-b1114134.html Just reading about this on BBC news web page. Me. Jein's Estate brought his collection to COOL £13 Million in sales. Stupendous collection. He appeared to have been an exceptional model maker... I bet he is smiling down from Heaven. Thanks for your link too BlrwestSiR.
  14. Guy, EXQUISITE job. You did a fantastic work on it. She looks AMAZING.
  15. Ah I see. Just going to RFI on here... You have done a fantastic job on it. She looks AMAZING.
  16. Panzerwomble/Guy, Did you not build AHawker Tempest over on LSP a while back....
  17. Yes I do !! Totally done in !!
  18. Oh Martin I didn't know. Really sorry about that . I hope you get it sorted with treatment and wish you all the best.
  19. I remember this too. What a night that was !! Plying Mr Alexander with beers to weedle out information about the new WNW kits at that time !! I was sat on Brian's right with Harvey and Bev opposite ME..
  20. I remember that vividly Martin. Sitting out in the sun without sunglasses. GLAD your eyes were not harmed .
  21. https://maps.app.goo.gl/bZ7A8iMT5FHWEV8B9 Shows Earth map where the abandoned Boeing 737 is located... if you "walk" (smaller square inset photo ) you can see on the landscape ...from the road. Here is a link to its story of being left & abandoned. https://www.team-bhp.com/forum/commercial-vehicles/243055-boeing-737-abandoned-aircraft-located-off-old-bombay-pune-highway.html
  22. Hello Panzerwomble, So being a "seasoned " traveller in India on MY own or in company.... From Bombay to Pune Old Highway one comes across lots of different & wondrous things to see....Abandoned! A trip to India a few years back.First saw it in when it wax still New looking. Around 2005-2006. The last photo shows how it was... then the elements took control ! One goes home to see family and friends and then one goes Travelling... The Air Sahara's Boeing 737 (Flight S2-226 ), which ran off the Mumbai airport runway on October 9, 2005, now finds itself at Nishiland Water Park in Khopoli Nishiland Water Park. Photo from Google Earth shows the lone Boeing 737... I cannot get the link to work.
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