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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Finished up this one. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/19611-p-40m-to-a-p-40l-conversion/
  2. Got this one finished up and RFI. I used a Hasegawa P-40M with a Trumpeter P-40F nose grafted on to make this a "L". I also removed the Trumpeter exhaust setup and replaced that with a much more accurate Hasegawa one. The "L's" only had four .50 guns instead of the usual six so I had to remove two of the muzzles although they kept the armament panels as they were previously with six guns so there was no modification needed there. The belts are from FineMolds. I used decals from the Kagero Topcolors #11 "Fighters Over Italy" for the unit and personal markings. The national insignias are from my decal stash. The model is painted with Colorcoats except for the cockpit which is my own mix of Testor's paint for Interior Green Zinc Chromate. I painted the seat with Alclad aluminum. When I was getting started on the conversion I had serious doubts about the very poor fit of the Trumpeter nose to the Hasegawa forward fuselage but with a lot of filling, grinding and sanding they finally mated up pretty well. Not perfect but acceptable. I hope y'all like the results of my efforts. Please remember to click on the 1st photo for best resolution and to view as a slide show. THANKS!!!
  3. Agreed Peter. You can find lots of collectables on ebay and other memorabilia sites. Some reasonable, some definately not! LOL (I have a pair of Luftwaffe flying boots which are in good condition I plan to let go if I can find a buyer.)
  4. Show and tell time for sure. LOL This is my Bendix USAAF D-12. It's been sitting on a shelf for a while and I see it needs some cleaning up. Soon!
  5. Thanks! Sounds like a plan Winnie. I look forward to seeing it!
  6. As far as I can tell Jeff it does. Looks beat up but it still works.
  7. Just got a "new" addition to my collection of RAF WW II a/c compasses. A well worn Type P6 that still has the liquid in it which is a bit unusual as they usually don't still have the liquid. I just happened to see it on ebay with a great price (less than $50 and free shipping). Here it is with a couple of my other compasses (I have several more!). I though some of you might enjoy seeing this just for grins.
  8. I appreciate the vote of confidence Peter, thank you.
  9. Thanks Peter. It's about time Revell got their "stuff" together. It was very nice to have no cuss factors on this one! LOL
  10. I had doubts this build would ever get this far but it has and I'm pleased with it. Now that the undersides are painted I'll start on the uppers.
  11. Time to get started with painting. Azure blue undersides.
  12. Thank you Dennis. It's possible it is the best 1/32 Hurricane yet. Good fit and a easy build.
  13. Thanks Scott. I was pleasantly surprised with the fit, etc since the '51's are such a PITA. Someone must have gotten their act together!
  14. Thanks Carl. The Fly kit I built was a real SOB. I said then and there no more Fly kits. LOL
  15. All done. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/19604-revell-hurricane-iib-done/
  16. RFI guys. For once a 1/32 Revell kit had good fit! I'm very pleased as the P-51's have a lot of fit problems and I was anticipating some with this build but, I'm pleased to say, there were hardly any problems. I used Xtradecals and Xtracolor paint on this build with a over spray of Alclad clear flat. I hope you like it.
  17. It's a very nice kit Carl and I'm sure you will enjoy the build. I built mine using the folded wings.
  18. Looking good! I know it will be a beauty when done.
  19. LOL Kevin. I know what you mean. I've run out of room and am boxing models up and storing them in a closet. Better than letting them sit out and gather dust. 🙄
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