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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 Γ—


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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Gus, looking good and reaching the color coat stage is a major accomplishment for sure. Just got to love those MRP paints.
  2. Oliver, nice work on the gates, looking mighty good.
  3. Phil Your ZM P-51 looks terrific and what an accomplishment, as I've seen quite a few started and your build is the only one to cross the line. When I tackled the ZM 109, I found the kit frustrating and even confusing at points and can fully appreciate the work and effort into put into the kit. A beauty for sure. Looking forward to the vignette with ZM figures. πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†
  4. Thanks Chris, very much appreciated. Yup, I actually counted them and I'm sure there were more but when I reached 370, it was enough to make my head spin, thinking how much time I spent on them. To be honest, once I was on a roll, it was actually a lot of fun adding them as it's something I normally don't do. I've long given up using any PLW that requires a solvent to remove them from outside the actual panel lines, as I've marred the finish more then a few times. With the water/clay-based washes, it's nearly impossible to ruin or damage the surface - just add extra water to the Q-tip or paper towel and they wash right off. The key for the application is a smooth gloss finish otherwise the wash clings to the surface and is nearly impossible to completely remove. Looking forward to your update with the AK Enamel Panel Liner and review, as there are assemblies such as the gear that don't lend themselves to the Flory wash and I'm always looking for a good alternative. I'm sure, your F4 is going to look the part every but as the Tomcat.
  5. Scott, very much appreciated. I've tried almost every medium for doing panel lines and always come back to the water based ones, as you just can't go wrong and they can't damage or harm the surface no matter what.
  6. Thanks John She surely will be displayed front and center and in a few weeks, I have two more glass shelves coming and that will be the max the case can hold, as all the other shelves are now jammed with completed builds. Actually, there was a time I never thought I would actually fill up the display case.
  7. Thanks Mike, just a pleasure to build as with Tamiya kits, parts fit and the instructions are clear and concise .For a kit of this size, the amount of masking tape and time needed to apply it was nearly a record for me, as it seemed once I reached the painting stage, I was always masking something.
  8. Thanks Kev very much appreciated. I've always been partial to the Aardvark's marking as they look so cool and colorful. And on a Tomcat, what a combination.
  9. Kev Holy smoke ... the wood for the bases looks gorgeous as well as the brass stands. With a shop and equipment you have, making the stands from doorknobs is an option and skill most of us don't have but surely wish we did. Awesome work for sure.πŸ†
  10. Thanks John, very much appreciated. It's always been my preference for how I like to display my models in the display case.
  11. Thanks Phil and right with you. there nothing as rewarding as building a well engines and fitting kit, as Tamiya is always at the top of the list.
  12. Chris Got ya. I just find cleaning up the sprue nubs a lot safer after the parts are glued up and always leave a bit of air between the part and the fret so as not to cut into the part as well. To me, as long as a primer goes down smooth and covers well, it's good to go. Absolutely, MRP primers and paints don't as far as other paints but I'm so use to them and no thinning, just fits how I like to work. The Quinta seatbelts work just fine and when they should snap or break, I just replace that one small section with a piece of Tamiya tape and paint blend it in.
  13. DECALING - ALL 370 OF THEM and the THE PANEL LINE WASH DONE All the decal work is now finished. At first, I wasn’t going to apply most of the stencil data and placards but in the end, I guess added about 80 -90%; a bit over 370 decals in all. What I did find very interesting is Tamiya decal instructions drawings didn’t match Furballs as close as I thought. Decal size, color, style/shape and location at times were different. Instructions varied as one sheet showed a stencil in a location and it wasn’t on the other sheet and vice versa – oh what fun. I just used what I thought look good and match the photographs the best, when I actually compared them. Afterall, I was manly after the effect of breaking up the surfaces with some interesting details. Panel Line Wash, Flory and Ultimate water based PLW were used. Easy to apply, easy to clean up and the effect was what I was after, with a bit left on the surface to add a very slight used and flown appearance. Getting ready to wipe down the Big Cat and apply the final two coats of clears: Tamiya X22 Clear Gloss to seal and blend in the decals and a semi gloss for the final reflective sheen. I’m in the home stretch now and depending on how Diane’s and my medical appointments go this week, the Tomcat may just cross the line. Wings and stabilators are just still being test fitted and not glued in place as of yet. Drop tanks, arrestor hook, wing glove veins, and the canopy are now also completed.
  14. Phil WOW, brilliant build and I completely agree that the Tamyia Mossie was a incredible build and truly worth every penny. Take your time with the photographs as we'll all be patiently waiting. πŸ†
  15. Carl If we ever do one, I'm absolutely in. πŸ‘
  16. Chris Always a huge plus when a build reaches the primer stage, as it signals the basic end to the construction stage and onto the finishing portion, which of course, requires at least as much time. Nope, no issues about the seams, we all get them and that's one of the two jobs of the primer, is to show what still needs to be re-done and we missed. Looking at the photos, seems the missed spots were where the sprue runners attached to the part. I gotten into the habit of not removing those nubs until after the two parts are glued together and sanding the seam then has a better chance of success - doesn't always work but pretty much not indentations to deal with. Wow, the Vallejo gloss black looks absolutely perfect and super smooth - easily ready for your NMF. I've changed over to MRP Super Gloss black on my last few builds and it's so easy to shoot - no thinning at all, as compared to my old standbys of Mr Color, Tamiya Lacquer and acrylic. Nice start on the ejection seats - there going to look terrific when done. I've been using the Quinta seatbelts and really love them. Just need to be careful as they will snap when bent too much.
  17. Egg planes would make a great super-fast, mini GB someday.
  18. Kev Awesome progress .. nothing wrong with slow and steady sailing. Sounds like you and the family had a wonderful and enjoyable weekend. For years, my wife Diane has been a Gator fan in football, as she spent a few days in Gainsville visiting family in the University Hospital and came home being a Gator fan.
  19. Carl Nice find and a great excuse for another quick trip to your LHS. πŸ˜‰
  20. Scott Awesome .. looking forward to the next update of your Big Cat crossing the finish line.
  21. Thanks Carl, Monday is the orthopedic surgeon and hoping for the best. Just glad you are following both your doctors and cardiologist advice and treatment and taking good care.
  22. John Great to se the Magic factory Corsair back on the bench and underway again. Looking forward to your next update.
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