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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Awesome
  2. Scott Right on the money. Nothing as frustrating as spending hours hunting for what you need and then to find out it's out of stock and who knows when it will be in stock. Mr Hobby Self Leveling Thinner has been out of stock almost everywhere for months now at: SB, SH, Hobby Nut Models to just name a few. I was thinking of trying Tamiya Lacquer Thinner but is way more expensive the Self level Thinner.
  3. It seems like everything else these days, when I try to place an order, more and more of what I need for upcoming projects are, Out of Stock or Back Ordered. Rarely is everything I need for a build in stock the past few years and I'm forced to spend hours online trying to find what I need all from a single vendor, trying to avoid paying shipping fees from two different vendors. What I have been doing for example with 48th scaler, buying mainly Eduard Profi kits or the Magic Factry Corsair set, where the kits have: die cut canopy masks, PE detail set with seatbelts and some resin. Cost is normally better then buying everything separately but more import, I get what I need in in the box without wasting a lot of time for nothing.
  4. Thank Kev, very much appreciated, a fun and relaxing build.
  5. Thanks Rob for the heads up - I'll absolutely look into the engine as I plan on building both Corsairs in the kit.
  6. Carl WOW - I'm just blown away. The detail is amazing and devoting two full pages of the instructions to the ejection seat ... surely says how well it was thought out and the detail looks out of the world. The 3D harnesses and cushions - brilliant and - surely the way of the future. Will be following the complete journey and hoping the Flanker stays front and center on your bench though completion. Going to be a gem
  7. Thanks Carl, so very much appreciated and completely agree about MiniArt. I've had more then a few issues now (fuselage and wings are built and close to priming) trying to figure out how parts are installed, and the culprit is instructions, that let the builder down. They are neat, clean and complete until you are using them. Loads of arrows showing where a part should go but in more then a few times, the construction drawings are vague in actual part orientation or the wrong view. Great detail, fiddly and they seem to over engineer the number of parts. Next update, I'll be diving into this part of the build.
  8. Very much appreciated the detailed photographs and comments. Unfortunately, while Borders kits are excellent, their instructions are really poor and none that I've seen have any color callouts at all. I have their Lancaster BI/III and have been tinkering with just the first two engines and the instructions are very poorly done. Looking forward to following your progress.
  9. John Thanks for the info, never knew. Hubert to the rescue!
  10. Ernie Awesome build - simple beautiful work and a gem to be proud of. 🏆
  11. Thanks Kev, greatly appreciated. Agreed, the front office does look more detailed but the Tamiya kit, part fit and flow is a lot smoother. Just glued up the two fuselage halves and I'll see tomorrow how it looks. Time to glue up the wings as well.
  12. Just glad you kept at it
  13. John Right with Chris ... what an incredible save and a build to be mighty proud of.
  14. Dennis, Nope, it's the skill of the builder who can use his equipment and materials to their best advantage.
  15. Martin Yes, you are correct. The address on the box was for their distributor; Hobby and Craft Industrial Co ... I should have read the name and address more carefully on the box. Now that I'm getting into the kit, some parts need help in fitting and the instructions while they look excellent have some orientation and location issues. Overall, absolutely raises the bar in detail and I've been comparing it to the Tamiya kit which I've already built. Thoughts later on in the build. Completely agree how they and all the companies in the Ukraine are able to turn out such incredible kits given the horrible circumstances of their country being invaded.
  16. Carl Hard to see the full stand but the other stand definitely shows off the model so much better.
  17. Dennis WOW, looking fantastic and what a paint finish - superb.
  18. Mark Nice work on the tracks - looking might good.
  19. Martin Been there and done that a few more times then I care to remember. I know it sounds crazy but sometimes, the "bin and landfill" is the best course of action and a great relief.
  20. John Wish I could help but I never bought the kit, as my experiences with KH kits were good and after a few, I stayed away. Hoping one of the guys can come to the rescue 🤞
  21. Gus Nice progress and completely agree, the detail is amazing. These days, I take no chances and when cutting or sanding resin parts, I wet sand and wear my respirator. I'm actually not so sure breathing in 'styrene' dust when sanding isn't harmful as well. Every day they find out something we thought was safe, isn't.
  22. Carl WOW, your Millenium Falcon looks fantastic - paint work and weathering is spot on the money. Not sure about the stand - how does the kit one look? 🏆
  23. Carl Nice crisp paint work and masking. Looking so good.
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