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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. That and the pic above are actually M8's. But you still should get one.
  2. Me either, all that's missing is that flying saucer thing following them to battle.
  3. Uhhh, I TRIPLE dog dare you.
  4. Do it. Mine will have fenders, you can do one without them!
  5. Jump might mean something else.
  6. Yeah I used to beat myself up for not cleaning each part as if I was cheating. Of course there are some parts that must be cleaned first, but it seems easier to assemble what you can and clean only what is seen. Another bonus is the assembly will also hold the smaller parts so they can be cleaned easier. Time to make this fun again.
  7. Yeah that fence would be an uncomfortable seat.
  8. Ryan


    We thank you for your service during that dangerous mission.
  9. Ryan


    Just disgusting, more please.
  10. And all vehicles seem to be serviceable.
  11. Not a lot of chips in either of those pics.
  12. Still on the fence.
  13. The Crab Sherman is the Flail version. A nasty beast of a tank.
  14. Sherman Crab would be a awesome GB entry.
  15. Salesman of the century that pitched the idea. Perhaps they unload some to the Disk Golf crowd.
  16. I apologize to those who like this sort of thing, but what a waste of time.
  17. Not sure yet on the degree of weathering. Some pics, didn't do much last night. M20 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr M20 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
  18. Tamiya 2-1/2 tonner or the Mirror Models M something or other 6 wheeled tow truck.
  19. If this kit even hears "group build" it's over.
  20. Yes on an Albatros, but what about an F-16, etc.?
  21. The code to crack is how to assemble an AC and then paint!
  22. Yeah that was a bit odd, since the other side fit perfectly. Ryan
  23. That is the charm of armor models....for me anyway. Build it all, or most of it, then paint!
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