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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. The first 2 look like they are takin' a leak. Fantastic detail on those.
  2. I'm just a pretender, this guy is the real deal.
  3. Thanks, the other neat trick with the toothpick is I could adjust the angle of the line as it comes in contact with the joystick like so. I could then glue it under tension. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr
  4. Thanks and yes they are Ye Olde EZ line. In the close ups you can see a ribbon effect, but in real life it's not to noticeable. Ryan
  5. More pup work this weekend. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Tedious, but satisfying. Ryan
  6. Yep, count down is on. Cant wait. Ryan
  7. More Pupwork. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
  8. I love Special Hobby kits, their customer service is excellent also. Ryan
  9. Dad used to have one of these out in the shed. We called it the Brummbar.
  10. Will plastic parts be OK left in this solution overnight? Thanks Ryan
  11. There are actually quite a few of these memes around, completely tasteless but gave me a snicker. I got put in my place on another site for mentioning the "Hitler finds out......." You tube series was funny. I was told the series essentially cheapens the movie and the actors performance. Farther from the truth in my opinion, "Downfall" which the clip is taken from was a superb movie no matter what youtube fuckery abounds. Ryan
  12. Played with the photo editor, the shots aren't as washed out. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr
  13. Actual size, at least on my screen.....ahh not as blurry and rough. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on FlickrPup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr
  14. More Pup pics. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr
  15. Save a headache and get the Tamiya release.
  16. Get the Trumpeter 1/16 version!
  17. Starting to reel in my AC mojo back....did some work on a WNW Pup. Not playing around with oils/wood grain has made the process enjoyable, here are some detail painting wip shots. Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Pup by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
  18. You might try some 24th Scale big rig parts, these are usually littered all over eBay.
  19. Yeah it was something. I had to convince the robber to let me call the boss because I couldn't get the trick safe tumbler to catch. He (robber) agreed and listened to the phone conversation as I was trying to convince my boss I had left my car keys in the safe and had to get it open! When the manager answered the phone and took in my story, he asked "Are you getting robbed?".....the robber then pressed shot gun tighter as I nervously said "nope just forgot my keys!"
  20. Many years ago I was a manager at a grocery store and had decided to bring in a couple of kits to show my boss what the hobby was all about. Later that night as I was locking up and leaving the store, myself and the other office worker were confronted 1/2 way out the door by (2) kids with shot guns. I still had the models in hand and slowly walked backwards as they directed me to and gently placed the kits on the floor of the store. As the robbery unfolded the cashier was tied up on the floor while I was trying to get the safe open shotgun tightly to my head, After the robber got the cash out of the safe he then tied me up on the floor face down, I could see under the door that other kid,who was standing look out, was looking at my models I had brought in! The office robber took a step over me and I thought he was going to shoot both of us, but he didn't and the look out did not damage my kits at all. This story has nothing to do with the vandalism of the poor train guys but an example of the garbage that's out there. I will never forget the barrel to my head, I'm lucky to be alive. Ryan
  21. OK just scored a Green Tail set, so I'm caught up.
  22. Great news! Mine was the the WNW Gotha that I recently scored......now looking for the WNW Green Tail Trio. Ryan
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