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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Whipple W175AX 2.9L Intercooled Supercharger Kit - Stage 2
  2. Whoa, that looks fantastic ! Thank you for sharing Rick. Cheers Martin
  3. More toys ! Toys free Europe ! Edit : Freed the toys for Europe too !
  4. Welcome Gaz, missed you my friend. Cheers M.
  5. Miloslav is building it right here . Bulges have to be sculpted.
  6. Looking really good ! Cheers Martin
  7. Just realized this is a repost, sorry guys. Moderators could you please delete this? Thank You Martin
  8. https://abc7.com/video-shows-moment-plane-crashes-on-101-freeway/4544025/?fbclid=IwAR3itpg_BTzublgU4YhPb-uNcHwiz7Pw6D6FdmAS-o3PmjTa3iNLKH_3wLw
  9. ASSA said that this Mustang is driven in abrupt manner And now, can one drive in a Nissan Micra dangerously ?
  10. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-45957673
  11. welcome to the forum my friend! I will follow with interest . Cheers Martin
  12. Just a quick note, Bregun makes decent set of gun-sights in 32nd scale
  13. Looks really good, but it is such a crazy amount of work . I am looking forward to more pictures. Cheers Martin
  14. Second that, very motivational build.
  15. Thank You Alan, I am glad you stopped by. Thank You Grunhertz, One does not simply stop being silly I had an idea! After altering the tire diameter, to drive a small screw ( that I stole it from my daughters night-light turtle) into it in order to imitate the effect of bulging tire. William was kind enough to agree to cast a set for me. Therefore there will be another update related to this in just a few weeks. Fingers cross.
  16. Those streaks and sot are extremely convincing ! Love it !
  17. Thats one gnarly looking squirrel
  18. That's beautiful Tom.
  19. ch, ch, ch Changes Ever wonder why all those wheels on all of those SBD builds look so skinny ? Because they are too big in diameter. So here is one after it received some love ,,, guess which one ?
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