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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. That's a good news. I recall the picture of your modified cobra back from LSP.
  2. OK, I removed that picture . Mine will take two more weeks to be done and ready for a nice, crispy winter That is one sweet Bullitt you have there sir. It is blending too Are you planning to ship it to NZ ?
  3. Thank You for the kind words Ivan ,Yeah, I like my little Capri LOL..... the picture above is not my car, I just hang it there to show the look of the Trufiber hood. Thank You Jeff, however it is not done yet. After the paint job is finished, it will be cured, wet sanded and polished. I will keep you posted guys. And I do not differentiate between brands . Car guy is a car guy, no matter what you drive as long as you have a pride in what you drive and the ride makes you happy. Every gear head needs some grease once in a while. ,unless...... (excuse the course language ) 1:49
  4. Thank You Carl. Oilcanning is very popular in Calgary :), no bond on this baby. Thank You Jeff. Not exactly full repaint, but most of it has to to be blended and clear of course. Thank You Ernie . I was contemplating hood this ram air scoop from Trufiber, that looks attractive but it was too heavy and the fit of this product is questionable and would probably take too much time/money to make it look semi-decent. Gt 350 hood looks smooth and vents the heat just as Henry wanted . It is also lighter then the stock one. Also Also the idea of forcing air to the chambers has a much nicer form
  5. Great choice John, however I have never seen a photograph of Pengie 2. Mysterious plane for sure Cheers Martin
  6. But , what if the enemy of F-35 is another F-35 ?
  7. Over 300 dents on the vehicle. This is the trunk lid. Guys are working on the roof right now. This one use to be deep and ugly New hood, loosely placed on the car
  8. Very impressive ! It would be nice to take some daylight pictures, so the colours and detail would stand up. Me like Cheers M.
  9. Thanks for sharing Jeff, I will take my daughter there this weekend , hopefully taking some decent shots if the weather permits.
  10. Yeah, decent rating indeed
  11. ouch, too young
  12. Are we living in the best country in the world or what ? Beautiful pictures Peter and Carl, thank you for sharing guys. Cheers M.
  13. I recently started watching this on Netflix and I love it. The humour is well set without excessive swearing or obscenities. Yet the ever present violence underlines the parody nature in a very witty manner. .... Recommended by eight out of ten Martins Cheers M.
  14. Just a flesh wound.........
  15. Oh, This was long time ago. (2005-ish ) I saw the car at the used cars lot.
  16. Not just yet Peter, it is in the shop at the moment, I will post more pictures about the progress and naturally, once done Cheers M.
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