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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Salyut was well done. I wonder if somebody, some day will dare to release the Kursk story, with all the political innuendo , ideally as a multi-national coproduction.
  2. Not a new movie, yet I was impressed, one of those movies that will drag you in to the scene and spits you out at the end with a need for more. Definitely recommended .
  3. The case is almost ready, not exactly nice, but it has a roof. Damn, I do not like waiting
  4. Yes , 70-ies Bavarian Erotik filme use to be of much better quality, script and sound. Is Bruce Willis getting older or what?
  5. reminds me about WOT april edition
  6. That is..... different :). Thank You for the review James.
  7. You can fill the holes completely. Then sand it re-scribe the panel lines and then apply rivets with beading tool.
  8. Just to clarify, from the P-40F-5-CU model, they all had fuselage lengthened by 2 feet 2 inches in order to deal with the torque of the new engine.
  9. Not at all, I had this very same dilemma with Trump's 262, fortunately Revell showed up with non-riveted version of it. Also if you punch into the normal plastic that is much softer, the material around the indentation will be slightly raised, so if you paint it first and hen gently sand it, you will end up with a beautiful circle .
  10. Yes a spray can, it is easy to apply and cheap too. Here is how it looks with beading tool. A/ punched over the original holes B/ punched over and sanded F/ collateral damage caused by the brittle clear plastic
  11. Utilizing a photo of the real interior is simple and ingenuous idea. Bravo!
  12. I am using automotive primer, any brand as long as it's sand-able . CA is very brittle. Beading tool is my weapon of choice however many guys love to use Archer rivet transfers.
  13. krtek
  14. Fantastic, nice weathering, nice stands, looks real good. Stands out for sure, thanks for sharing. Cheers Martin
  15. Incredible detail Peter, just lovely.
  16. Back in Europe I use to work for national lottery. At that time I met two people in separate occasions who won approximately 40 000 000 Slovak crowns that equals to 1.5 mil. USD. ( big amount in nineties ), Both of them lost everything within one year, despite the fact, that the company provided lawyer and financial advisor .
  17. Belated Happy birthday Frank !
  18. stripes on the lower wing LOL , F-15 serial : 41-19831
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