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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. This looks like a very fine piece of furniture . With the B-24 out of the picture I am very tempted to stash one up
  2. Interesting that you mentioned 71 Mach1 . 14 years back I saw one in Nelson area for sale for 10 grand, unfortunately it had big block of bondo peeling off the rear right fender. I love C3 generation Corvette, besides the Challenger/Cuda that is the absolute best what muscle era brought to the world in terms of aesthetics . As a european kid I always loved the idea of driving rumbling V-8 with "NFG" attitude , needless to say , as a european kid I still want to bolt on a root supercharger on top of it... just for the extra whine LOL ICBC tortured me too, in many occasions, I still miss so much about BC, but totalitarian establishments creeps the heck out of me.
  3. Thank you Jeff, the roof is getting done as we speak. Interior is out and a real body work is taking place since the main roof rails are made of structural steel . The whole thing is getting painted, well almost. they have to blend the hood and the roof and clear coat pretty much everything. she is getting polish etc. I prefer no shortcuts edit: the repair time is estimated for 11 days. I haven't had a chance to see the new bullit mustang. not sure if it feels right to put Bullit badge on the new style body, that looks so very little like the original 68
  4. Thank you Carl, no it is the hood from the side. It will make more sense once installed
  5. Few days before the hail-storm, mowing the prairie grass
  6. As I mentioned before, while enjoying my time with the company of some nice folk at the IMPS nationals I received a text from my neighbour. The content was rather upsetting, something along the lines : Hey Martin, we had a savage hail storm and your Mustang is badly damaged . I guess everyone has its own insurance story and mine is not any different. After few months of chasing agents and adjustors around and around in debilitating circe I finally received finalized assessment worth almost $ 15000. Long story short, car is currently in a reputable custom body-shop. And guess what happened on Thursday, my new hood arrived. Code name: "when I grow up , I want to be Shelby GT 350 "
  7. oh deer random life form roaming the streets near SAIT
  8. it will buff out,:) thanks god nobody was hurt
  9. Great progress on this production line. Is it only my old eye playing games or is the plastic spinner slightly bigger then the resin nose? Cheers Martin
  10. Ernie, we need more pictures of this beauty. Engine please BTW: I was waiting for Ivan to make a note about the interior colour that Migoyan blatantly copied from Ford
  11. Like Elvira's ?
  12. Thanks Ade, I was just looking at it last night. It will be a good starting point.
  13. Because it is my ex-s favourite flick and she forced me to watch it to the end. Anyway, are you going to cliff it? LOL Nice ride my friend !
  14. biggest squirrel that I have ever seen, thats for sure Louise had 1965/66 , more squared....wait, how do I know that ?!
  15. one would expect something like this
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