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Vandy1 VX-4

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Everything posted by Vandy1 VX-4

  1. I remember Jacques Cousteau PBY flying over my elementary school when I was a kid! Such a graceful looking aircraft this kit coming along real lovely too
  2. I was hoping it was getting better!!!! But I guess it just didn’t work out!! I’m so sorry to hear this buddy.
  3. I hope they release their Ka-52 Alligator
  4. Sculpy Is a ceramic clay you can fire in your oven and you can use a heads from hornet and I think Ultracast also does them
  5. Hello Folks I was wondering if I purchase Italeri Models IDS Tornado kit 2520 in 1/32. Can I make a British GR.1 gulf war Tonka Out of it? What would I have to change? Just The physical items to the aircraft? I have the Rvell Kit already. But the Italeri kit looks a lot more detailed!!! Is that correct? just looking for some opinions on how to do it? thanks.
  6. How about Light cure resin? What are your thoughts about it?
  7. You can also look into the Monogram P-61 Figures, They my work out better as they are Maintenance crew
  8. Any release date on the A-20 Havoc yet?
  9. Welcome Maru I am Glad you are here!!!!!
  10. Thanks John for the information
  11. John what did you use for the salmon primer underneath? Also what color of the bottom FS # ? Thanks Great Build
  12. Looks great John. How long till your next F4U Corsair!!!!!!!!!😜
  13. Thanks I just picked up all the Gunze paints for this kit today. Now to Mix the two greens to make the right shade of green!
  14. Looking Great Peter Hope all is well with you and your wife.
  15. Takom with the Havoc also doing the Apache D and E all in 1/35. Hope to see a Ka-52
  16. Saw firestone so I thought it might be California
  17. Harvey Is that from California?
  18. No. Just new tires Each of those kits had two sets of wheels on it them!!! I changed it back-and-forth on both of them! The Ki-84 has more weathering on the tires but has no Tire tread really. thanks for all the comments guys!!!
  19. Hasegawa Ki-84 of the 102 Sentai Eduard Exterior set, Aries cockpit, scratch built items like wiring the engine, antennas brake lines. The 102nd sentai decals were donated from a club member taken from the Tomy kit.
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