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Vandy1 VX-4

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Everything posted by Vandy1 VX-4

  1. I’d like to see some of your photos of your Nissen hut!!!
  2. Oh no. I didn’t know about that! Dam it
  3. My friend with the same jobe as you had the Rx7 generation 2 Mira only one of two in the USA. My Cousin made a copy of the body parts from scratch to convert his to one too.
  4. I liked it so much I ordered a 2nd kit. Already have a Tamiya Japanese ELFIN version too. Also have 6 more Japanese version’s Fujimi and Aoshimia that I received over the years
  5. I’m looking for 1/32!
  6. Just found this thread will you be selling these Mahalo? I’d like to purchase a set? !!!! I have 2 Albatross W4 in 48th scale but my main scale is 32nd and 35th
  7. Just got these. My friend gave me the tomcat for helping him move his fiancé
  8. Also there’s a 1/44 scale X-02S (OSEA) On the Patlabor the helicopter in 1/72nd Scale Hellhound
  9. Great work John!!!! So back to another Tamiya Corsair
  10. Mini art just released an M3 lee/grant with both lulubelle markings from the Jim Belushi and Bogart movies of Sahara, With a set of the figures pictured above
  11. I like to see someone do a 1/32 scale John Belushi in the 1941 movie motif. For a P-40
  12. Does the middle figure look more like Jim Belushi or Humphrey Bogart? I was thinking of getting this figure set and a M3 Lee. To put with a Border ME109 Shot down. I know the ME 109 would be a later model, I know. But I thought it would make a good diorama.
  13. Just received today from Hobby Nut My SH-60B and a HH-60H x2 The other is for my buddy As you can see the patch! yes the SH-60 B is going to be warlords
  14. I also got the kit and man those decals. I purchased mine to do a two-tone ocean black panther scheme now will do the kit DECALS!!!! I hope they re release this kit it’s sold out fast
  15. The tow cables are from the string in the kit. it’s comprised of like a black nylon. They were stiffer than the white stuff. Thank you all for the nice comments.
  16. One set of tracks is actually on it now. still have a paint the road wheels tyres on the driver side ( right side) !!! That’s why the side armor and the blade or not on. The upper body are weathered also but not the hull. I have not built a piece of armor in a while so my weathering techniques are all off. But I had a build this immediately as it’s a kit that I wanted for 30 years. Might pick up another one and use parts from it and put it on a AFV club Mk.5. The Amusing Hobbies kit is a little simplified or soft on the tow cables, road wheels,Suspension, But it builds up and represents the vehicle surprisingly well.
  17. Thank you all for the compliments here’s a couple of more pics Also a reference photo
  18. This is what it looks like at the stage now
  19. I just talked to my buddy, They work close to each other . He says he works late and a lot. So try emailing them.
  20. Email them!!! They are a one to two man operation! They also have a real job too. Cheers
  21. Came on the slow boat from Japan almost 4 months. It landed in New Jersey and I live in California All the cars are 1/32nd
  22. Centurion AVRE A kit that I’ve been wanting since the 90s
  23. Thank you for all the photos!!!!! That give me some ideas. I was thinking a Tilly and this fuel / Petrol truck I was gonna put it with the Tamiya Mosquito (Kit DECALS) in a diorama. might just use just the jeep on a runway of PSP plating / Marston Matt. I have the figures and the hats in the photos already cheers Danny
  24. So a Jeep would look better next to a RAAF Mosquito Mk. VI !
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