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Vandy1 VX-4

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Everything posted by Vandy1 VX-4

  1. I’ve seen this a couple times, but never figured out how to order it? It’s not on his website!!!!!
  2. I will also follow too!!!!! As I have the same kit and Marking for mine 😁👺
  3. My buddy was also happy to get the RF-8G from you!!! 😁
  4. Thanks Tim when these sets become available. Please let me know. I’d like to order one anyways
  5. I have a weird question Tim? Is that the same radar pod for the Avenger? I like to purchase a set to convert a Trumpeter Avenger TBM-3 to a Batmen night fighter one !!!
  6. I'm so glad to see this!!!!! Any artwork yet? I was hoping for Foxbot to blow up their 1/48th sheets but I think this may be a better choice!
  7. I like to see them in sections like 5’’W x 15’’L then we can add sections as needed!!! Like this PSP MARSDEN Matting
  8. I like the revetments!!!! How about the Viet Nam version of Marsden matting? The M8A1 landing mats to go with the Revetments.
  9. Concord Publications 2003 Operation Desert Shield Prelude to Desert Storm for sale online | eBay I recall that this book had two or three photos in it of the Sheridan
  10. Sincere condolences Ron. Take care, so sorry.
  11. John looking great!!!! What color did you use for your seat?
  12. A-20 Havoc for me. that's all, just two of them or more!!!!!! 🤣 Oh wait I forgot the Boarders 1/35 FW-190
  13. I think you are referring to the marker bouys
  14. I just built this with corrugated plastic from plastruct also JJT makes it too . Masterpiece Models has a tool for making corrugated foil also
  15. On my PT boat which is a mid production boat. there was a cleat on either side of the radar mast. Like the below diagram running vertically
  16. I was just thinking of him the last few days. Hope all is well with him.
  17. The new home looks really nice!!!!! enjoy it and build some models
  18. On some photos of the gun turret the flanges around the gun barrels are plexa glass or painted black. Also most AC have the painted black sold back roof turret. Your photo is the first I have seen with that bubble clear top!!!!! Thanks for posting that Martin I have found one other PBY-5. early with that Bubble top in a photo and it is in formation flight
  19. Thanks for the photo Martin!!! as Chris said above , never seen a bubble like that over the cats eye turret!!! Also like that it doesn’t have the tie off Cleat on the port side (It’s missing ) That’s the hole just under the gun barrels
  20. For 56000k. Led and Tube Florescent bulbs Try the Aquarium pet store. They have them for Planted and reef Aquariums. Also reptiles !!!
  21. Jacques Cousteau Son Was actually killed in that PBY
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