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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. That's something I have6tried yet Mark and it would probably help spraying a flat on it. Heres literally a two minute experiment. Original left and quick wash and pastel on right.
  2. I decided it was bring your kid day, I was lucky enough to have the airplane at an airport about 15 minutes from the house. Went to lunch with the wife and kid before heading out on the next trip.
  3. Cant seem to get a good picture, but a quick test of applying a fast enamel wash and brushing on some pastels and the belts look great. Then I put in water and removed them from backing paper. Dont think it's very easy to ruin that vinyl.
  4. One thing that also doesnt stand out is the "texturing" in the seat belts. It's got that thick seatbelt fabric stitching too it. I've got two more sets for my Zero and Mustang and I'm going to try and give then a wash on the backing paper before removing them.
  5. Yea, I was playing with that a bit. That's my only knock that they're a bit shiny. I'm gonna go over them with some pastels and maybe try a wash real quick to see how they look after that. I will say they do look more realistic to the naked eye when compared to photos on my phone.
  6. Cockpit is almost wrapped up.
  7. Shes doing great. We had her in an airplane shirt to come visit Dad at work of course! She doesnt say anything yet but boy does she talk a lot!
  8. Just to clarify, the cockpit looking that good has nothing to do with me, it's all the Quinta sets. I've got a second set for my Mustang and another set coming for my Zero. I'll be buying another set for my 2nd Mustang and a set for my Corsair when they have that as an option.
  9. Did you guys get any of the storms yesterday? We were supposed to get some here in the metroplex but just a few rumbles with some rain is all that showed up. Definitely cooler today though.
  10. I've never had a cockpit remotely this good looking! And, I've still tons of parts to add. This is quickly becoming a favorite build.
  11. Glad to hear you like those Quinta sets Peter. I've ordered a set for my next Mustang and Zero.
  12. Some goodies arrived from across the pond. Now I can make an appropriate E wing bird. It blows me away tami6didnt include the few little parts needed to make an e wing when they give you the ability to have a clipped wing bird.
  13. Heck yea that's some cool stuff.
  14. Absolutely beautiful build! I'm still amazed by you guys who get that realistic finish on your builds. Not too shiny, not to dull, just right.
  15. This is gonna look like a real winner when its closed up in the fuselage.
  16. They're really easy to work with and I've had no issues breaking anything on them. I was curious how the seatbelts would work but I can see they'll be plenty flexible.
  17. I also forgot to mention the fit is every bit as good as the base Tamiya kit. It ain't resin, so no shrinking!!
  18. Ok, plain and simple.... There is no other product that will get you a result remotely this good, no matter who you are. I mean look at that radio!!!! This took me honestly 20 minutes to knock out the instrument panel and radio and that's because I'm no speed racer. John would have the whole cockpit done by now!
  19. Also, why the hell haven't I switched to MRP!? This stuff is amazing! Of course i have a draw full of Gunze which I like but MRP is a whole 'nuther level.
  20. First Quinta bits are on. I started with the rudder pedal parts to try and see how these work. Pretty darn cool in my book! I'm going to over paint these when I paint the pedals to be able to blend them in and weather a bit, but the color looks pretty darn close the the MRP paint I have. They're interesting to work with, it doesnt take much time at all to get comfortable with them. The best way I can describe them is after they're removed from the backing paper, the act like very thin rubber. They're certainly pliable but also still strong at the same time. I can absolutely see these becoming a must use just like fabric seatbelts have become. Of course now we have the seatbelts with the Quinta sets!
  21. I left FB years ago as well as all social media except here. Best thing I ever did.
  22. Yes, knowing that 30,000 some pilots dont have jobs I cant be more thankful. We actually probably had the busiest winter ever. I'm not sure who or what cosmic thing everyone believes in, but I firmly believe I was brought to this company when I was because someone is watching out for me. I've got all the chores done so tomorrow is modeling day!!
  23. I'm hoping to maybe be home for a few days to get some work done on the cockpit. We're headed into March Madness here so who knows what my schedule holds for me. I do know on my hard days off I'll be digging into this bird.
  24. The Quinta Studio goodies are a sight to behold. The instrument panels are absolutely beautiful with built in instrument clear glazing that really looks the part. The depth of the instruments is far more realistic than the deep set ones that come with the kit. I'll be back from work in another week then I'll get to work on this beauty.
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