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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. I'll be taking an O/400 please.
  2. Ok, the build quality looks absolutely incredible!
  3. This is one slick looking rebuild. The paint work looks oh so smooth.
  4. Decent progress on the repaint of the Felix. Unfortunately I'm finding issues show up from when I last worked on it that will require rework and repainting. That's ok, this is proving to be a LONG term project.
  5. Heck yea Ernie! That thing looks absolutely stunning on the table.
  6. Absolutely beautiful Mark! Raise a cold one with Ernie in honor of Tolberts for me.
  7. I will buy and build exactly 1. Its an iconic aircraft that has its place in my WW1 display case. I absolutely will not build it in Red Baron colors. Streaky camo for me please.
  8. Sign me up for 1.
  9. That is hilarious!!!
  10. Completely agree!
  11. Thank you very much guys. The more I see it in the display case, the more I enjoy the end result.
  12. I airbrush in the garage. I definitely get to sweating here in Texas while I'm painting. I still do it, but I try and be more efficient at it in the summer.
  13. Please take lots of photos so that those of us unable to attend can live vicariously through all you guys!
  14. I feel so completely inadequate everytime I check this thread. Absolutely surreal..
  15. Started to really work on continuing my Felixstowe today. I'm changing the paint scheme from the blue over to green and red. I reworked a seam on the aft fuselage, and started knocking down the blue striping to get the new paint colors on. I also built up the tail. Theres a ton of areas that need reworking, but I'm excited to have it back on the bench and in progress.
  16. That looks amazing Martin!
  17. Is there a LSM display table?
  18. Yes!!
  19. Thanks. They seem to be missing the color I need as well. I can find PC-10 everywhere, but I cant find the "Irish linen" color for the lower wings.
  20. They say acrylic, but are they like Tamiya? That confusing combination of an acrylic lacquer?
  21. Excellent Carl, I'll check them out.
  22. Yea, commission build. Its It's REALLY hard to go back to 1/48 and be motivated to work on it.
  23. Something else is going back on the bench from the shelf of not right now. I've decided to repair a few spots and change up the paint scheme .
  24. They have the PC10 I want but not the linen color I need unfortunately. Guess I stick with "sail" color from Gunze.
  25. Never mind found a review from here that answers all the questions. Now I just need to find out where to get them.
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