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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Hi guys. As many will know, my lovely HPC plus and Custom Micron were put out out of action by child spraying Windex through them. They corroded accordingly. I contacted the Airbrush MegaStore in Melbourne and asked if they could help. (They are always magnificent!) I was given the phone number for Iwata Australia. I duly contacted them and spoke to a gentleman named Chris. Chris asked me to send my brushes directly to him. And so I did. Poor Chris had a devil of a time getting all the junk out of both brushes. So corroded were they, Chris had to scrape the grub out. My beautiful Iwatas!!!! I need not have worried. Chris completed them in less than a week. They were sent yesterday from Melbourne and arrived this morning, just as I was about to use one of my other airbrushes. I highly recommend Iwata Australia. Aussie and New Zealand modellers can purchase an Iwata airbrush knowing not only are they getting a fine product, but also the best service I have ever had over the 55 years of my life. I am elated. This experience that began as a negative, has been transformed and become a positive. Thanks Chris for this wonderful service and transaction. First class. 100 %!
  2. Hi guys. I need your wisdom and experience. I am considering buying the Fokker D-VII. It looks like being the easiest to rig. I have a camel pup and triplane. What would you advise? I am thinking about ordering today, but I am happy to wait. Thanks.
  3. Nazi's aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. They did build some great subjects for modellers.
  4. Hiya Martin! Mate where have you been, i am told you went here.
  5. I got this yesterday for half price. Damaged box.
  6. People often wonder at my sense of humour. It is derived from things such as This.
  7. I am okay mate. I was a bit ill. That's all. Like the plague, I am back!
  8. HANG ON, MAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTEEEEEEE!!!!! I keep telling everyone, existence is ALL ABOUT ME! I am not ready to ride camel ride, let alone rig a mechanical camel! No fictional inteligence/character within my imagination may direct me. They do not exist. Indeed, this conversation is simply myself talking to my very own self as another. Therefore figment, you must wait. My reality is all that matters. No character within my solipsistic world may build a Sopwith Camel until I am ready. Let's say ten years from now. All you chaterboxes speaking to me at once must settle down! That character telling me to run down George street butt naked was simply over reaching. I shall NOT run down George street Sydney naked until I am fit enough! Brain, stop giving me orders! And if you do give me orders, do it one and a time. I simply cannot understand such a multitude of voices in my head all talking at once! Damn it! I can't get anything I want in this existence, even that Akubra hat company won't make me a pastoralist tin hat! No matter how many restraining they take out! Akubra personnel must remember, they do not exist. I hope this helps. I am a child of Monty Python.
  9. Nothing like the fine art above (nice set up Harv). BARRY! I misplaced Frank's propellor. I ordered another kit from Japan, it should be here in about 10 days. I'm not in a hurry, and better, I have had zero desire to work on anything else. I am really pleased about that.
  10. Harv, that engine is gorgeous.
  11. Fantastic! I am in. The ip looks beautiful. I dreamed I was rigging a Camel. It was poignant because I too have one in my stash. I am sure you will give everyone a great time watching this build, Phil.
  12. Thanks guys. Yes indeed Australia was in incredible danger. The sinking of HMS Repulse and Prince of Wales came as a huge shock and blow. Darwin was bombed 67 times. You may enjoy the book, 44 days. There is a documentary on YouTube called 44 days. You should watch it. One small RAAF squadron flying P-40s held off the Japanese for 44 days until allied forces came to help. I will fond the link and post it after I have a shower. Sunday morning here and I plan to model all day. I have food and supplies. Modelling ALL day. How cool is that!
  13. I spent a littlle time working on the weathering this evening. I have been working with pastels and chalk dust over my bench. Must tidy in the morning. I am really enjoying these builds.
  14. Thanks mate. Saturday night here. Sunday will first be spent finding Ki-84's propellor. It must be somewhere....?? Then the rest of the day modelling!!!!
  15. The Frank is ready for the final blend this evening. While it looks rather stark now, I will attempt to bring it all together later on.
  16. Oh great! I may have that colour. Thanks mate!
  17. Thanks Harv. We Aussies are a little self deprecating towards ourselves. It is our culture. This differs from America which lacks this. In general Americans are positive towards themselve. And very hard working. Where as me, an Aussie would rather watch the cricket. Oh and drink beer while watching the cricket.
  18. Last night I spent 4 hours carefully studying photos of Franks and Tonys. I copied directly from photos. Not from one aircraft but from a collection. Every bit is actual weathering. All weathering is by pastels and Prisma and AK pencils. I prefer the Prisma due to being strong. I love AKs but they break, I can no longer use the smoke pencil. I have to lighten the gun smoke. You can see how it is way too dark. This is an experiment. Trying not to use an airbrshush. (It is interesting to learn how people think about their models. For example, I was talking to a modeller in a store. He told me he doesn't like weathering because he will buy the model once and doesn't want the danger of ruining it. Fair enough. Me, I don't care.)
  19. I also love my Iwatas. What I find interesting is that I prefer both my Silverline and HPC Plus over my Infinity and Custom micron. The Silverline is beautiful and has a safer nozzle than the Infinity to protect the needle. The one advantage the Infinity has is the exposed needle point which allows one to wipe it more easily, but in so doing puts the needle point in a position to be damaged.... I still have a long way to go before I can use all four at their optimum potential. Including my lovely little Badger Sotar. Which incidentally a similarly exposed needle point.
  20. I think he was just squirting them. School holidays, bored and nothing better to do. The Custom micron cost nearly $700.00! The needles were also destroyed. I had to replace each. The kid also lost the rear section of the HPC Plus. Chris had a second hand one. Had he not it'd be too expensive. Better to simply buy a new one. But all good now. I had an Infinity and Silverline, plus the top Badger as back ups. I can't complain. I am always prepared for the worst you see.
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