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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Fantastic.
  2. I have that kit. It is so gorgeous. I am worried I may not be good enough for it.
  3. I run a jazz/funk quartet. This is from an afternoon before a gig in a cocktail bar.
  4. Will do. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. So, Speedy Gonzalez on steroids. Even with free time you put a clog footed nut like me to shame.
  6. Even the Black sheep sqn would love as many F4U's.
  7. I once visted a Saab dealership. I told this salesman to bring me the latest model. Imagine my disappointment when he drove up in a car???!!! I know, right??? Never again.
  8. I must build this model! I can't resist 1/32 scale Mirage 2000!
  9. When is this thing being released? My lease is nearly up and I need a new place. Thanks.
  10. You know Zigaboo Modeliste?????? You must introduce me!!!!!
  11. Mate, whole areas where I spent my youth are gone.
  12. I cannot contribute to this thread now.
  13. Doesn't tne kit supply them? I have them in mine.
  14. Rome circa 43 CE. Actually, the Romans built with stone and marble. If Texas works on it, Texas may one day rise to the level of First century Rome. Good luck!
  15. Should make a great model.
  16. No, that is Ruth. She is proud with her blue rinse.
  17. Infantile???? Surely not with genius such as the Fish slapping dance.
  18. Hi Winnie. I am sure it will arrive. I find it interesting buying from around the world. I bought a snare drum from a guy in Poland. It arrived 8 months later.
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