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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. My last purchases before shutdown. First my replacement propellor arrived. I can now complete Frank. He-111 masks.
  2. Yeah mate. It makes sense. This is the only way to keep the country working. Rent may be affected as well. The current conservative party seems to be following the idea first shown when the GFC hit. The blue collar party back then gave every citizen $1000.00 to spend in the retail market. This saved Australia, which wasn't affected.
  3. Nah mate, just too stupid to die. I have become a villiage idiot. I am not ashamed of it because it wasn't my fault. Too much chemo mate. I am a complete wreck. But I did complete a kit. There is some growth.
  4. Happy birthday Hubert.
  5. Oh that is simply my perspective when in hospital on the edge of death. My apologies to anyone else. Cherrs guys.
  6. I am a musician, this means zero work. I may be able to do lessons via Skype. I have 3 booked. No gigs of course. A shame because I just put together a killer funk band. I have also been planning solo drum and percussion concets through the Improvising scene herevin Sydney. The agent Amy, told me last Saturday that online gigs may work out. Nobody knows. As for me, well I have everything I need for modelling. I have enough blades to last a year at least. I will soon need Mr. Tool cleaner. I still have a 3rd of a bottle and MRP and Tamiya cleaners anyway so I am unconcerned. I did not bulk buy. My local grocer should be able to have enough stock to feed me. As vor the virus, I am kind of waiting for it to hit me. My immune system is kind of shot, so there is a danger. I really don't give a rats @$$. Bring it on. I got an extra few years. If this kills me I won't even know. Sweet. Bring it on! I want to see just what it is. Today is a good day to die.
  7. Here in Sydney essential services can remain open, bars, restaurants etc will have to deliver or take out. The Australian Govt has begun $1100.00 fortnightly payments to citizens. One simply has to register. No waiting. This is a great thing. (They are probably doing it following the Prime Minister's pooping his pants in a McDonalds scandal. Pooped his pants. Classic! )
  8. Hey guys. I tried to find a case with the most chemotreatments and found this Article here. 54 treatments. Just as a lark I wrote to the editor. Here is my email: Dear editor. I am writing because by chance ifound the article World record chemotreatments. The bloke had 54. I had 290. 34 via lumbar punture, the others via my veins. My chemotherapy is the strongest on earth and the only chemotherapy that damages the brain. When this didntwork, I was placed onn Blinotumomab for 19 months. I liked in one hospital first for 18 months. Then another over 19 months, 3 months in, the rest as out patient. Then to save a foot from being amputated i was an out patient at another hospital for 8 months. I send this just to let you know, 54 is not a lot. It is kind of funny. All the best and I hope thst guy survived. All the best. Dale Cleary. Sydney Australia
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  9. Thanks again. I just made it up as I went along. Sadly I have no short term memory and forget what I did. True story.
  10. Thanks Hubert. My replacement Ki-84 kit arrived from Japan last week. I can now get back to it.
  11. Looks great. Both of them.
  12. Hi guys. Kawasaki ki-61-1 Hien, 39th training Sqadron. Pilot Sgt Maj. Iwao Tabata, Yokushiba airfield March 1945. Model was painted with laquers, oils and acrylics. Weathering was a combination of chalk pastels, oil pastels, artist oil pencils including AK weathering pencils, artist pencils, artist oil paints and airbrush. No wash was applied, except for the cockpit. Aerial is stretched spru. It took me a long time to get here, but I made it.
  13. Yes my fellow modellers, hoarders, obsessive compulsives.... It has been proven that we humans who glue things to things and even some other things were not so silly after all! Who among us with a "stash" fears boardom whilst staring down a pandemic? Not I certainly. And I venture to claim, not you! People searching in vain for toilet paper (what on earth do these people eat????!!!!) with uncertain bowels, scurrying for crumbs! Oh the horror! Have you ever searched the carpet for something that will decompose?? I dare say No! You have not. Indeed your search through carpet fibers is for a thing that will not decompose. In fact, that sharp piece of plastic holds a health risk! We, we who struggle and wage war against the dreaded CARPET MONSTER, understand that trip at 4.00 am hurrying for blessed relief only to find that lost pitot sink into instep flesh..... ....That pain, a pain that we alone can know, sets us a breed apart from mere mortals. Ha! Verily I say unto you, you of superior breeding, we will fight. Yes you on the beaches and in the hills. We shall never surrender! Someone had to say what we all think! What we all know.
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Belated happy birthday.
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