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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Everyone wants Peter to talk about Lord of the rings. You however want to talk about LOTW i.e. Lord of the wings. Wingnut wings. What do you say? Me? "I want high quality BOB Spitfire and Hurricanes in 1/32!" If he agrees, I buy his coffee. If no, I leave him with the cheque! "LOTR sucked. Give me my Mk.I BOB Spitfire and Hurricane!".
  2. Is the the Renault WWI machine?
  3. Cheers Harv. Hopefully today. It rained on Sunday after Saturday's heat.i hope to do more today, Monday. I was so buggered on Sunday the only thing I did was add the MG to the Tony's wing and make a trip to the city to buy 3 cans of paint.
  4. I have the Ju-88 A4 and I am very keen to build it. I have been wondering where I would put it. I had forgotten I have a studio. I can keep it there.
  5. Hi Gus. I decided to endorse Sakae rather than DW. I had good experience with Yamaha (Sakae) drums in the studio. Now Yamaha has moved production to China they became very different. Korg has become a parent company of Sakae and Korg wishes them to remain hand made, not mass produced, boutique drums. I moved to Meinl due to learning how amazing Meinl is as a company. Plus Meinl cymbals are lovely. Sadly I am not endorsing Meinl percussion. In fact I am not with a percussion company at all. Not that I need to be. I have 3 Sakae kits. The 3 ply Trilogy seen above. 10, 12, 14 20". My other Sakaes are a 5 piece Maple Almighty, and a little Pack D kit. Plus various snare drums. I sold most of my 83 snare drums. I only have about 17 now. Many are still with my student, Taso. Taso is playing beautifully now. Taso playing a kit I designed for him.
  6. Hi guys. Happily I have been getting used to the meds. It has been very hot here in Sydney. Yesterday the temperature reached 45C in some areas. As a result my modelling has been minimal. All I have done is weathering the Tony. Here is what I have done. As can be seen, I must re-fit the rear canopy. I am going to wait until I have completed painting. I am weathering this model differently to what I have done before. There is no wash at all on the Tony. I have restricted myself to using pastels and pencils. I have tried the AK Weathering pencil set. It is okay but IMHO good artist pencils are cheaper, longer lasting and just as good or even better than AK. AK pencils are too soft for me. My hands require stronger pencils. I am interested to learn what you think of this method. I will weather the Frank differently.
  7. Hey guys. I am going to take a week or so off. I am on a new medication that is doing my head in. Basically it is throwing me through mental hoops. If I keep watching the forum and this occurs it would be extremely embarrassing. Indeed it happened on my second day. I will have little control until my system adjusts. If I am able to do some modelling I will add photos with zero text. Thanks for all the support you all have given so freely. This medication is related to the trial drug. I am in no danger from my cancer. This is medication to help my extensive nerve damage. Thanks guys.
  8. I have been looking around the web at beautiful models. Often the paint job is very pretty. In service, especially late 1944 into 45, Japanese aircraft were nothing like pretty. They were a mess. As a result I am experimenting with the Tony and the Frank. The Frank will be as about as pretty as I can. The Tony is a no good son booted out of the house. With that in mind I am moving in this direction. Tony, that no good skirt chasing drunk of a son must fend for himself.
  9. Thanks mate. I endorse Sakae drums and Meinl cymbals these days. The bass drum is as light as a feather.
  10. Yesterday was still quite warm and so I didn't do much until the evening when I took to the Tony with pastels. Pastels are something I like to use to fade paint and generally make the subject grimy. However a clear coats often hide the effect. I found this guy's Page on weathering, and want to try the streaking effect. Something I have never done. After fading with pastels, here is the effect. The starboard hinomaru is a bit dirty but I will clean it up later. I have to play drums today.
  11. Wow. 1/32 F-4 is a big model. Just yesterday I finished Ed Cobleigh's book, War for the Hell of it, about flying the Phantom in Vietnam. My mind is very occupied with Phantoms. Those burners are fantastic.
  12. 1/32 Ki-100!??? Ernie, where do you get this sort of stuff?
  13. I also have the complete range of MRP Soviet paints. All never having been used. MRP + AMK seems too good to ignore.
  14. At least watch the fish dance. The utter absurdity is wonderful.
  15. I have 3 AMK kits, the Delphin, Nesher ang the 31. They all look amazing. When I complete my current builds I may build one of them. I shall be watching this thread with much interest.
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