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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 2 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

    Time to wake up this turd from eternal hibernation.

    the plan is :

    -remove the battery relocation kit

    -instal a new battery tray and wiring

    - install 150A alternator 

    - install the rear bench, seatbelts etc

    All if it in order to pass Alberta vehicle inspection 


    Oh no!  Another place that requires "inspections"!  Better off to have a friend that is 'qualified' to fill out the inspection form.  ...but you didn't hear that from me.

    • Haha 3
  2. 28 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

    I truly don't know if this was a very smart purchase. They are quite large, large indeed. Flanker was undoubtably a score, Tomcat?,,, I am not so sure about. Nevertheless both are ultra sexy airframes and we need some more jets here :)....  said the guy who never finished a jet. LOL


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  3. Hi Everyone,

        Time to call this one done.  I could play with it more...  but I'm a bit over it... nd the tracks seem to absorb every attempt I make to muddy them up.


    I'm also trying my lighting box again.  Last time I only had a phone camera.  Now I have my wife's Olympus though I use it on automatic settings.


    If you have an opinion on the lighting, and ideas of how I might improve...  I'm all eyes.












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  4. On 4/23/2021 at 5:02 AM, BlrwestSiR said:

    Started getting the new bench space ready. I finished removing the false walls and cleaned up the corner. Instead of dirt I found concrete. It looks like at some point, one of the previous owners poured a second slab of concrete 4" thick on top of the original floor.


    I stopped by one of our local hardware stores and was able to grab 6 bags of concrete mix. Man, that stuff is heavy.

    Mixes them up and poured the floor in to make it all level. 


    Used up 5 bags so if anyone needs a 30kg bag of cement, let me know. :lol:

    Now to let it dry and hope I did it right.



    Some nice work...  however, this little space reminds me of too many horror movies.

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  5. Just now, Wumm said:

    Most of my building happens on the weekends, so occurs to the backdrop of the various TV cooking shows that my Wife might be watching at the time... So a similar, yet different kind of human suffering. 

    If I'm alone at home, music if played at all extends to the familiar that invokes good memories without needing to think about lyrics or specific refrains. Steely Dan's Gaucho, ELO's Discovery, Box Scaggs' Silk Degrees, The Police  Zenyatta Mondatta or INXS Shaboo Shoobah are examples... Middle of the Road or Yacht Rock stuff from the 70's and 80's. Whenever Chicago's If You Leave Me Now is on the radio, I find I'm immediately transported back to the mid-70's and the yellow and brown 1/72 Matchbox Bf109 kit I was working on at the time when that song was being played four times a day. It seems to be ingrained somehow.


    My wife gets tired of the crime, too.  But if she gets a chance to put on music...  I'm doomed to some stuff I don't mind, and some feline wailing when she plays stuff by her favorite feminine artists.  I call is "Dying cat music".  Honestly...  except for Abba (who I don't like a whole lot) I don't much care for female lead vocals.


    RE:  Cooking shows....   I might find myself too interests in them...lol


    • Like 6
    • Haha 2
  6. 12 hours ago, GusMac said:

    Occasionally I'll listen to some classical - Mussorgsky, Katchaturian, Tchaikovsky, etc (hmm, why I haven't I built more Russian stuff??), but generally it's punk, metal and hard rock most of the time. It needs to be loud to be heard over the compressor is my excuse!

    I like a bit of Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich, myself.

    • Like 6
  7. 2 hours ago, AlanG said:

     Nordic/Viking folk music

    Interesting!  Might have to look some up.  I think my last exposure to any folk music was in elementary school where we had an hour of singing with the music teacher for a few years.  That was American Folk music.  There was no singing about battle, plunder, and the other Viking staples...lol


    • Like 5
  8. 12 hours ago, DocRob said:

    Brrr, I'm freeeeeezing. You nailed the winter camo on the STUG to perfection Gaz. Despite being overly white, the paintjob doesn't look boring at all, great work.

    Cheers Rob

    Thank you Rob,  Curiously...  how is it overly white?  I have a lot of photos of real-life StuG's much more white than mine.  It's not really done, yet...  I have been contemplating chipping up the snow a little bit more with the hull colors.



    • Like 4
  9. Usually, I listen to crime TV while building models.  But you can only listen to human suffering and human monstrosity so much...

    I'm over pop music, and have listened to 'my music' so much....   my music is classic rock...  more British than American...

    ....I've listened to my music so much that the only time I listen to it anymore is is when I'm in the ute.


    So today I started my modelling time with some Wagner....  Die Walküre.   ...and finished up with a few Pavarotti concerts.

    Anyone else here listen to classical music?

    • Like 9
  10. Bringing many elements together, I present the closer-to-the-finish project.  All that remains is to mate the suspension to the tracks and the tracks to the base all via either mud or snow.  I think mud will be easier.


    I tried to see if I could get the gunner's good eye through the gun shield aperture.



    Here are a couple topside close-ups.  Mainly to illustrate the crew and work done on the tracks to show where contact and friction have bared the metal in different ways.



    Today I went searching for MG 34 buttstocks.  They all look much darker in current photos.  But that is understandable.  Most stained wood will darken over time.


    heh...  I didn't realize that so much of the inner drive sprocket would be visible...  silly me!


    • Like 4
  11. 12 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    One good looking Mossie.

    I hope I’m wrong and Tamiya hasn’t abandoned 32nd scale but there just isn’t any evidence to suggest they are still in the game. Their 48th and 72nd scale kits are the class of the field, have to cost less to produce and the market for those scales is much greater. 
    I had no idea GWH was doing a P-40 and that’s great news. Maybe it’s time for new blood in 32nd scale and stop waiting for Tamiya to produce and truly new kit. Years ago Tamiya owned 1/12 scale Formula One and for numerous reasons they walked away and no longer produce those kits regardless of the reasons.
    I remember way back when Tamiya wasn’t even in 32nd scale and Hasegawa was king of the hill.

    Maybe it’s our fault as modelers always demanding perfection that pushes up the kit costs to a level that makes the investment to high and risky. Who knows but I just feel it in my bones, Tamiya is no longer interested in 32nd scale.

    Hope I’m a 100% wrong 

    Keep ‘em comin




    Now, Tamiya....  do me a favor and pop out some 100-series fighters.  Color me strange...  but I prefer my jets in foil with less of that messy painting to worry about.  I've got their MiG 15 Bis in the stash waiting for my next foiling urge.

    • Like 3
  12. A good week for me...  two kits and two books.  The two kits finally bring the world of Bronco to me.IMG_0253.thumb.JPG.f858b257a543131e00fdea53a41d7c32.JPG

    AFAIK, neither AFV is modelled by anyone else.  The Marder II has moved up to  'next' in the build queue since I can't seem to get everything back into the box well enough to close it totally.


    And...  I been buying up German soldiers, sailors, and airmen's memoirs as fast as I can find them in english.  Most, courtesy of Book depository.  I've bought a bio on Hartmann even though he hasn't penned it himself. 

    Like many American's, my knowledge of WWI naval stuff is pretty vague except for Emden, Jutland, the U-boat war, and the hunger blockade.   So, finding a book by Reinhard Scheer became a must have, once I knew it existed.


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