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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. I did some digging on the ‘net and found where some guys use Tamiya light ghost gray in spray cans. I’ve got 4 or 5 cans on order to hopefully make life easier. Soooooo many different variables with the paint since there is the filming model colors and then how it appears on film/TV. I’m going for the look on TV that I grew up watching. The actual model has a green hue to it that cannot be seen once it was put on film. The other option was Tamiya XF-12 Japanese Gray lightened 10% with white. This one has the green hue. Going to be a different kind of build for me with all the lighting and wiring I’m going to do.
  2. Carl, appreciate the starshipmodeler tip. I’ve signed up, waiting on approval. Some of the sub forums you cannot even see unless you are a member. Hmmm, I do have a Wagner sprayer still in the box. Doing some reading, very popular method of painting large scale RC airplanes is using latex. FWIW, I’m planning on picking up a small HVLF detail gun from Harbor Freight when I have to spray this big thing. Looking at builds on YouTube, the popular method is to pre-paint the model and then do touch ups on all the seams after gluing it together and filling the seams.
  3. Yea, that’s my concern too. But the intake thing, I’ve done that. Just forgot about it. Derp!
  4. I’m about to jump into a 1/350 TOS Enterprise As soon as the Skyhawk is done. When the Smithsonian restored the 11’ filming model, they used a Benjamin Moore color. I can get a pint mixed up for $10 in one of their sample cans. This seems totally out of place for me to use non-model paint, and I’m giving it a harder looks since just today I decanted plasti-coat brand spray paint and used oil based hardner from Tractor Supply to paint the Blue Angels Skyhawk and got very impressive results.
  5. OK, just scratched off Blue Angels/Thunderbird as the ultimate ride on my bucket list and put down U-2.
  6. I report back to work on Monday morning. At least I built the Fisher Guppy and built the Skyhawk Blue Angel and got it ready for paint. Hopefully I can get it painted over the weekend. But we’re prepping to start streaming classes so they can stagger students where half are in class, half are in their dorm or home watching. Students will attend one day on, one day off. Going to be an interesting year! EDIT: And with all the yard work Ive been doing, this cannot have come soon enough!
  7. They did have $89 posted for a while, and they also had 40 Euro up as well. Website has been taken down to do it right it looks like. But I kept clicking on that paypal link hoping it would work.
  8. OMG! I need to go back to work to get a break from all the work I’m doing around the home. I had a huge silver maple cut down that was hanging over the house and chimney along with roots heading towards my basement wall. Had the stump ground up Wednesday. Now I’m doing the back breaking work of separating wood chips from the dirt. If I can complete that, I have to add some dirt and level the side yard and lay down about 4 or 5 pallets of sod.
  9. Is it just me, or does the forward half of the fuselage from the wing forward look too short compared to the 1/72 kit next to it and looking at the pic in Ernie’s sig line?
  10. I do remember reading about the C-47 everyone bailed out of during WWII. OK, call me embarrassed. It never dawned on me I was looking at a Super Hornet unit Smitty’s post above. I went back and looked at the pics and was like Oh $h!t!! Look at those square intakes. It just didn’t register the first time I looked at them.
  11. I think the rest of the plane would be a little worse.
  12. Infinity is HpH. It’s their new lineup of IM kits.
  13. John, which one did you get? The fiberglass and resin kit or IM? Is Greg a vendor?
  14. I see 1 very slightly visible panel line and maybe 4 rivets. Whomever built that needs to learn to scribe and preshade properly. Great pics! Saving them for my build one day. Apparently that shade of blue is straight out of a can of Krylon, and I have it on my bench to decant when time it right.
  15. I sent a message via the “Order now” link. Makes no sense with the color options and the video is of a guy installing aftermarket headlights into a Jeep. Looks like website is still under construction.
  16. Apparently available for pre-order now at $89. But hard to muddle through the website that is not in English. http://infinitymodels.cz/# Anyone know if any USA distributors will carry these? Didn’t Ernie have an inside dealer to HpH kits we could order from?
  17. Cool. I just finished gluing it in with epoxy. I did bump it up to .6 oz.
  18. I’m about to close up the fuselage of my Blue Angels Skyhawk, but before I do I have to add nose weight. According to the instructions is says “Add 5.5 .oz of lead to the nose”. I went and bought a small pocket scale and started adding lead until it hit 5.5 .oz. There is no way in hell this thing needs 5.5 .oz of lead. That is a huge pile of lead. I honestly don’t think it would all fit up front anyway. I even taped everything together and set it up on the landing gear. I’m thinking 5.5 grams, or maybe .5 .oz? I set it up on the bench and put a tiny piece of lead on the tip of the nose and it brought it back down in place. At this point I’d just like to know what the real number is supposed to be.
  19. He’s really busy with Grand kids lately. But shoot him an email. hairold@frontier.com I just got a few things made up and shipped to me last week and more on the way right now.
  20. Well, I did add to the stash with the Roden Stearman I bought on eBay last night.
  21. So that clean bench post got me motivated yesterday. I was out of paint drawer space, so I took the top drawer and cleaned it all out. About 90% was junk I simply tossed out. This space on top was a horizontal crap collector I cleaned off. The toolbox on top facing the other direction is my box dedicated to gun cleaning and maintenance, so I keep it facing the other way to keep it accessible because I needed the crap collection area. So I grabbed some scrap wood laying around and made up this shelf Made a run to my local Harbor Freight and picked up these storage organizers and screwed them into the shelf. Re-organized all my stuff to keep as I tossed the rest. Of course I started looking at old projects in need of attention. I picked this one up and now I cannot find the pilot. So I started cleaning more but never could find the little guy, so back on the shelf of doom it went. This one only needed a final spray of semi flat finish to put in the display case. I can not take it off the list. With cleanup done, and one off the shelf of doom, time to break out a new kit. I actually started on it last week waiting on paint to dry on the Skyraider.
  22. And I’ve ordered one off eBay. It’s coming from the Ukraine. Probably not in the states yet.
  23. LOL! I wish. Wife is home today to enforce the honey-do list. Heavy rain coming tomorrow and Monday, so I gotta hit the yard hard today. But after that bench photo posted above, I’m motivated to do a little re-org of my tools and paint. I’m completely out of drawer space in my paint storage box, and now it’s time to clean out the box and make more room for the necessities. My next project is my Blue Angels A-4, and I’m waiting on my intakes from Harold to get ramped up.
  24. I think within a week I could make this bench look normal.
  25. Thanks! I thought it would be a 6 month project. Turned out it was only 5 weeks.
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