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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. If we do: F84 - 56thFG/62nd or 63rdFS WWII scheme F104 - think Greek
  2. Tamiya's F4U (I think we all got one, yes?) Revell's He111 Hasegawa's incoming 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden A WNW release
  3. that might work!
  4. A trip to MacDonalds (even for really bad coffee) is not complete without some of these.
  5. nice work on this, great paint and weather....
  6. cable ties! how clever! this is why I love this forum!
  7. Anyone use Rotex/DYMO embossing label tape as scribing guide? Embossing Label Tape
  8. inspiring and looks very doable. thanks for the tips and brass selection recommendation.
  9. what an outstanding kit and exceptional review Jim. this kit is a monster and I for one look froward to see Dave put this through the steps. I truly recommend you do a review build Jim!
  10. Am thinning my stash as we speak.
  11. Not another great review by Nick!
  12. good stuff! waiting for more.
  13. really nice work. curtains made from Milliput?
  14. 1:18 is an interesting scale. I got hooked in the early 2000's, 21st Century, BBI, Admiral. Wal-Mart carried them and sometimes got stupid low prices for them. Look at 'em then box em up. Just too damned big to display. Thought about doing repaints. Unloaded all of them as well as my 1:32 21st Century in 2010 to finance my return to scale modelling.
  15. I'm all for collaboration on this build Jamme. I like the opportunity for NMF, think fun with Alclad. Thats a very dark metal, especially from cockpit to tailplane. However, RLM 02 would yield an interesting look and contrast with NMF. I have an A5 and will be using that kit for the 190 A-5/U14. This plane has no outboard wings guns so I will swap the underwing panels (bulges) with the 190D. So my !90C outboard underwing bulges are solved as well as 190 A-5/U14 outboard underwing "smooth". I see much creative license in this.
  16. Thanks for the tip Matt. Any help much appreciated. I have FW190 Vol 1/Smith and there is a nice 3 page spread with some great photos of the 190C. Did not notice the bulges on the wings and will take a closer look. After first look the apparent gun ports on the cowl (Planet box art) and absence of gun ports on ref photos has created some angst. More angst regarding the wheel wells. 190D9 WW much different than the 190A8. Also the book states the 190C was natural metal overall and my eyes just do not believe the pics.
  17. Rog, You gonna be busy. really nice stuff you have there.
  18. nice set up...every bench needs a tree.
  19. nice set up. truly a collaborative environment.
  20. My second entry for the group build an FW190C. Using Planet Models conversion and Hasegawa's FW190D as donor kit. Since the 190D wings, pit, stabilizers and undercarriage are same as their A8 this will work. I will use the 190D tail for another conversion on deck. Parts washed and will start this week along with my other A8. Planet's conversion parts. Hasegawa's FW190D will be used as donor.
  21. wow! Wow! WOW! Atta boy on a beautiful successful builds! Congratulations! Love the scheme on the Ar-196.
  22. I blame Matt (Doogs) and Dave J! USD$35 @ Amazon
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