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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. Looking really good...love the pit detail and scratch stuff.
  2. been there, sorry to see that. since my peeling disaster (only with vinyl) I always put masks on back of hand to get rid of tackiness. good luck on recovery. the build is coming along beautifully!
  3. really well done. love the dirt kicked up from the wheels...
  4. These are really nice. I dry fitted these to my G6 and there is zero, oxi, nada play. No sanding prep required a surprisingly solid fit.
  5. nice work on the paint, shade and freehand......
  6. I use a highly thinned brown/black wash delivered by airbrush. go EZ 3rd or 4th pass will usually do it.
  7. bravo! brilliant work on the prop!
  8. After spending about 5 minutes looking at the kit legs all painted and formulating brake line approach and considering re-sanding legs for re-paint. I caved and ordered the Brassin set.
  9. HISTORY LESSON I always like to have history of my subject so each build is a somewhat like History Assignment. A little research and background will get me immersed. Not rivet counting just close enough so I enjoy my build and can have a decent conversation (or defend when cornered by IPMS Know-It-All) about my subject.
  10. watching! going to be a great project. great save on the pit and wing joint!
  11. One of my next projects after I finish my Bf109G6 is a FW190 this FW190 is the torpedo version and it has a "C" tail. Working with the kit (Hasegawa A8) the tail needs to be built forward about 2mm. I have seen some great work with Milliput and my question is: Which grain is best for building up and scribing, etc? Assumption it is "Super Fine" grain or is "Standard Grain" good. Thanks for any coaching.
  12. Guelph, ONT! I remember the Royalaires, one of my favorites!
  13. welcome and this is a great addition.
  14. watching this as I have same kit in my stash. already have the Cuda seat, door, PE IP, HGW belts and stabilizer replaced. Will be awhile before I start, going through a Luftwaffe phase. Build looks really nice.
  15. welcome to the forum
  16. bravo Dave! Very well done...no surprise.
  17. Erik must have a recent head wound...sensory neuron fail and electrical signals not handshaking with axons.
  18. My 2014 plans are : 1:32 Hasegawa P47D "Slick Chick" I binned her to finish the Russian Jug she is ready to paint now. 1:32 Hasegawa FW190A8/R11 using Owl Resin conversion 1:32 Hasegawa FW190A5-U14 using Eagle Parts conversion (the supplied tail is nasty, I will scratch build a "C" tail) 1:32 Revell Ju88A-1 convert to Ju88G-1 Mistel 2 KG200 using AIMS conversion (already started cleaning resin parts) Either ZM's He219, will model after NASM's 219 or Tamiya's 1:32 P51, Swiss version.* *Subject to reality check with bench time and review builds. Unless I turn into a building machine like Matt there will be some modifications Have started these and will hope to nail down by end of year or very early 2014. Hasegawa FW190A8 KG200 (see Ju88 Mistel 2) Planet Model/Hasegawa FW190C-V18/U1 Conversion
  19. Very cool Jim. Congratulations!
  20. scarry bunch at the table. perhaps someday I will be in a group picture with you all. perm red marker to point out flaws? would not make me happy. I'd be in jail as my builds would be covered by red marker! I would like to see a written critique on my builds but not with perm red marker. thanks for posting, looks like you guys had a good time. my fav is the Belgian J2M3.
  21. 1:32 He219 Metal Struts Zoukei-Mura Super Wing Series Catalogue # SWS06-M01 Available from Zoukei-Mura Zoukei-Mura’s recent release of the He219 is truly nothing short of exceptional engineering and detail of a spectacular subject. A great feature of all Zoukei-Mura’s releases is the great selection of after market goodies. There is an offering of over a dozen upgrades ranging from turned brass, resin accessories, figures and decals. The exceptional quality we have become accustomed from Zoukei-Mura continues with a undercarriage upgrade with their Metal Struts. INITIAL REMARKS The He219 Metal Strut set comes packed in a small top tuck poly carton. Inside are the main gear and the front gear. First look at the main gear I see a lot of cleaning will be needed. Detail is well executed and the strut components are well done. What appears to be heavy seam on the main gear are accurate weld seams on the real thing. I had to dig into my references as well as some Udvar Hazy NASM photos of the current restoration of a He219 to confirm the weld seams. The front gear is a multi part set which allows choice of posing wheel in a turned position. Main gear. Left, kit supplied metal struts are well done. Surfaces are with very smooth with very little flash. Right, the brass struts clearly illustrate the inside and outside weld seams and at joints. Surface is not as smooth as the kit supplied metal struts so some preparation will be required to achieve a smooth surface. Care must be taken to preserve the weld seams. Nose gear. Right shows higher detail than the kit supplied strut on left. Further, the white brass metal offers some build/finish flexibility allowing a turn position. The kit supplied metal struts are well made but very smooth and will certainly work well especially if you plan on using the 4oz nose weight to keep your He219 from being a tail dragger providing desired support and strength on your undercarriage. These white brass struts offer accurate weld seam detail and the front wheel turn option. As with the kit supplied metal struts all components are direct drop in replacement. Careful cutting using a Dremel cutting tool or saw designed for cutting metal is recommended. I tried my heavy duty hand cutters and with a fail I resorted to my trusty Dremel cutting tool. Nice clear instructions included. If you desire, as my eye will agree, you have an option to download a larger PDF from the Zoukie-Mura website, CONCLUSION Exceptional craftsmanship and accurate detail. There will be some smoothing in store however, these struts are very well done with clear instructions If you want option to have front wheel turned as well as exceptional detail. This detail set is highly recommended. Noting, great companion is the Zoukei-Maura resin weighted wheel set either SWS06-M03 with tread or SWS06-M02 without tread. My sincere thanks to Zoukei-Maura for this review sample. Rick Kranias Facebook Link: Bezoula Builds
  22. so when is the review build going to start? Jim?
  23. armor never really lights up my fun button. however, will always be willing to give armor a try, really no preference as long as it is a good kit and or interesting subject.
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