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Everything posted by rkranias

  1. ha, ha...thanks Wayne. you are indeed a cyclists! one thing I learned is BB with ceramic bearings are not worth the expense. mine barely lasted one race season. I used a broken carbon spoke to reinforce the beach trolley on my A6M2-N Rufe: the trolley was made out of resin and not very stiff. When placing completed plane (with solid resin main float) on trolley I was concerned with potential sagging issues. thanks for the positive comment... PM me always happy to talk bikes.
  2. thanks Matt and yes, really frustrating. kinda gives me the "willys" when I know "Slick Chick" will be getting Alclad NMF.
  3. MASK & PAINT & MASK & PAINT Primer complete and the canopy removed to mask the pit. My focus on this build is to really pay attention to pre shade and be careful not to completely cover pre shade efforts as I did with the P80B. I remember Matt telling me, "if you think it's not enough coverage...stop!" pre shade complete now on to paint... breaking out my HS Evolution I applied Vallejo Medium Sea Grey 71.049 on lower surfaces....fter a 24 hr cure I broke out the Simply Tacky putty and masked the demarcation then hit the upper surfaces with Vallejo Olive Drab 71.043. stuck the Jug in the fridge for 30 minutes and removed the putty... me thinks I should have stopped with one less coat.... applied Alclad Klear Kote and was not that happy with the performance. pressure was 18-20psi, no more than 2 inches away from painting surface and applied in 3 thin coats. the Klear seemed to spot randomly on the surface in a very uneven method... the pre shade did show up better after the gloss and I suspect will fade after the sludge, wash and dull coats... after 24hr cure using Scale Percision Mask I masked the USAAF National Insignias and blocked out serial number painted using Tamiya Deep Green XF-26 removed masks and freehanded the edges of insignias and serial number block.... then masked and painted outline around the intercooler vents Vallejo Off White 70.820... underside USAAF National Insignia got same treatment using a mix of Tamiya Light Blue XF-23 and Neutral Grey XF-53 12:1...another coat of Klear Kote for decal prep... next will be decal applications and a final gloss coat....then weathering.
  4. My A6M2-N and P80B were fortunate to come away with some hardware. 3rd Place 1:32 Single Engine Prop: A6M2-N Rufe (conversion using Tamiya A6M2b and MDC conversion kit) 3rd Place 1:32 Jet: P80B "262 Killer"
  5. looking really nice. I love the scheme and the wood effect is very well done.
  6. Nice pic....may I copy it?
  7. I saw the RAW video (from a surviving spectator) of that crash... it was pretty nasty....
  8. Nice pics Grant....may I copy these?
  9. nice build, looks huge and crowding your photo table. like the nose art of the 61's
  10. MASK & PRIME I just love this little cutter. Mask cut out for engine. A few cuts added to give some flexibility when crammed inside the cowling. A little liquid mask to seal potential openings for paint to enhance my angst. All primed up. The cowling seams will be toned down with some light sandpaper. The port side is a much cleaner fit. Canopy and windscreen masked. Gunsight and windscreen will be installed tomorrow then mask the pit and begin pre shading.
  11. Thank you for all the nice comments ... ENGINE INSTALL Weathering round one on the R2800's. Installed the Russian Jugs heart and dealt with the 4 piece cowling. real happy with the look... the cowling was indeed a PITA in set and glue... cowling alignment at bottom stays good... prop test fit looks good... I sit back and admire the engine and give myself an "atta boy" on getting the cowling alignment resolved with a real nice fit. scanning around the desk I see... WTF?..... are you fracking kidding me? Glue has already set &^#$%^*!%@#%$!&(@#@%! Truly considered cracking the engine off. The reality is, only I will know its missing. Flawed assembly will stay as is.
  12. thanks for the link. Anything about Johnson is a good read. Would love to see nose art decals in 1:32 of his post rookie mission Jug 'Lucky - Half Pint."
  13. yes, FLW103 Flat Lead Wires 1.0 X 0.3mm
  14. 2013 Model Classic 27 April 0900 to 1600 Fairfax High School 3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax, VA 22030 Sponsored by the Northern Virginia IPMS Chapter this is one of he largest IPMS contests in the Mid Atlantic. This years theme is "The 60's Age Of Change"
  15. GAME CHANGER NOVA IPMS 2013 Model Classic in 7 days and I hoped to have both Jugs done by 27 April. At this point I am abandoning "Slick Chick" and focus on the Russian Jug. "Slick Chick" got whacked due the the time needed to do a NMF using Alclad II paints. She will be on hold for a short time. Meanwhile the Russian Jug is getting full attention. Will evaluate build status on Wed and decide if I am going to push for completion by 26 April. Am not going to rush the Russian. First coat of primer on trouble areas (seams, etc) and have some additional sanding as well as touch ups on scribing and rivet detail. Latest is Tail Wheel Door ejector marks filled, Nav Lights cut out, Bombs painted and detail treatment on the Bazookas. Bombs and Bazookas are for "Slick Chick" and will be "binned" until the Russian Jug is wrapped up. TAIL WHEEL DOORS Ejector holes filled with Mr. Surfacer 500 and sanded. BOMBS Bombs for "Slick Chick" painted OD. Texture is hard to see in this pic, but I am happy with results. Yeah, more dust! Not sure if yellow ID stripes will be added. BAZOOKAS The bazookas are from a Trumpy P47N. Using flat lead wire (UMM-USA FLW103 Flat Lead Wires 1.0 X 0.3mm) and rivet tool I enhanced the detail on the tubes. The difference is markable. The painted bazooka (black then OD) shows good detail otherwise lost. Into the "Slick Chick" bin with the bombs for now. After Russian Jug will finish other bazooka and weather. NAVIGATION LIGHTS Cutting out the nav lights was truly a PITA. Will have to do same to "Slick Chick". Not looking forward to it. In Nav light cut out and will sand to fit clear lens. The next few days will be devoted specifically to the Russian Jug. Hope to final prime and preshade by this weekend.
  16. wow! it was worth waking up this morning. I learned something. thanks Dave.
  17. good work Dave what a nice way to spend your lunch break. some nice upgrades.
  18. really nice work Jamme, the shading has turned out exceptional. BTW nice job on the stabilizer correction. I may take lazy man's out and buy the resin replacements.
  19. really nice Jamme. I agree with George on the shading. look forward to see more!
  20. what Canadian museum is Tamiya using to measure?
  21. if your gonna give that kit a nose job might as well convert to a Ki100.
  22. exceptional work on the weathering. never think it too much until you start applying the overall washes. usually the great equalizer. love the engine and pit detail.
  23. I gots the N and Razorback. bu-bye!
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