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Everything posted by happy1

  1. This time I'll know what to expect. Paul
  2. Do like I did paint it all BLACK Paul
  3. I don't know really where else to put this, But a couple of years ago I bought a kit from Pacific Coast Models of the1/32 Tempest and at the time and I still do I thought it was a piece of crap for the price I paid for it and said so on this forum. Well maybe they can't control the quality of the kits that are made for them But the one thing that they do have control over is their customer service and in that respect they do an outstanding job. I bought a KittyHawk 1/32 P-39 Q from Andy's Hobby HeadQuarters and got around to starting it a couple of months later well almost half of the "G" sprue was gone miss casted I think they call it anyway I called Andy and he suggested I call Pacific I figured OH S*it after what I said I'm up the well known creek without the paddle ANYHOW I did call and spoke to Maryellen and explained the problem to her she took my name and address phone number kept me updated and within 5 day's I had a complete kit again sent me the complete G sprue at no charge I haven't bought any Pacific kits since that Tempest but I think I'll start again because of their customer service THANK YOU AGAIN MARYELLEN PAUL
  4. X-20A 2/3 water 1/3 IPA Paul
  5. Where did you get the decals from in 1/32. Paul
  6. https://store.spruebrothers.com https://www.victorymodels.com
  7. DON'T put your brush in any kind of mixture with ammonia it will take the chrome plating right off of the brush, I use a mixture of hot water and a degreasser 80% degreasser 20% water works great. I got my Ultra sonic cleaner off of E-bay for about $35.00 USD it's got a built it heater which is nice. Worth more then price I paid for it. Paul
  8. jeez I've had mine for almost three weeks now, I live in Arizona. Paul
  9. You are welcome your work is simply amazing I really enjoyed looking at it. Paul
  10. Aw just another damn show off!!! BEAUTIFUL. Paul
  11. Still if you'd like to try some let me know ok. Paul PS that goes for anybody else reading this just don't get carried away
  12. Matt I sorta pick up where Joe left off on the paint masks but if you would like to sample some of my try's let me know what you want and I'll try to get them to you. I'm not yet there at where Joe was but I'm getting there. Paul
  13. Nova, PM me an address and I'll send you a sample of what I got and what version of roundels you want type 1-2-3 try them and see if you like them. Paul
  14. Nova I started up where Joe left off making paint masks if your insterested PM me. I use vinyl for my masks. Paul
  15. I don't know what you call them but them but thei simler to the OptiVisor that I got off e-bay for about $16.00 usd has 4 lens from 1.2x -3.5 I use it all the time. Paul
  16. Well I got my sonic cleaner today and gave all of my A/B a good bath, efrick that degreaser I told y0ou about worked like a charm, I mixed about 1 oz to 1 cup 16 ozs hot water run all parts for ten cycles cleaned everything even some dried enamel paint that I didn't know was on one of my brushes costs a little over $ 6.00 at Sams club. Paul
  17. Well I didn't get my cleaner today like I was promised got to wait till Monday. If it works half as good on A/B as it does on getting paint out of bottles and off of hands I'll let you know. Paul
  18. efrick I ordered one like you suggested and should get tomorrow I've already have Altra-Sonic cleaner it's a big one that I use for cleaning my brass for reloading and I didn't want to use it for that. This will be the first time that I'll be cleaning my airbrushes this way I just usually just clean them with lacquer thinner. Lately I've been using some stuff that I got at SAM'S club it's called PROFORCE HEAVY DUTY DEGREASER I've been using it to clean out my old paint bottles both acrylics and enamels it works on both of them and it's a lot cheaper then lacquer thinner it will even de-solve dried acrylic and enamel paint if you let it soak overnight then just rinse with hot water I use it full strength for the bottle cleaning. Anyhow I'm going to give it a try cleaning my brushes will let you know how it works out. OBTW what type of lube do you use on your airbrushes after they get their bath. Paul
  19. Mike I've got a Silhouette Portrait and with a new blade I can cut as small as 1mm on vinyl with a setting speed of 3 but it's a bitch trying to use any letter like ABDROPQ other then that it's not bad. Paul
  20. Ok guy's I'm a bit confused here! what part of these aren't stencils????........DAMN bright light just flashed I think I know what they are and if they are what I think they are WELL I've got a ton of them. and you'er welcome to them. Paul PS Mike my applogies I can't cut anything that small maybe 1/24 1/18
  21. UMM-USA carries lead wire .02mm up to 1.0 mm also old computer fans have real fine wire any real small cheap can motor will give loads of fine wire. Aw hell PM me an address and I'll send you some if you want. Paul
  22. Paint masks are stancils of a different type depends on what you think a stencil is. Paul If I could post a picture I'd show you.
  23. No problem Jim glad to make the offer. that the whole purpose of this forum isn't it to help one another. Paul
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