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harvey boyer

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Everything posted by harvey boyer

  1. OMG, can't believe I haven't posted on this ! Wonderful work, as always, my friend ! Love the weathering.....Harv !
  2. Always have liked this one Danny.............Harv
  3. It is Pro Modeller wash. Its OK, but would like to try MIG or others...........Harv
  4. I like !.............Harv
  5. Dave, your skills will see this threw, no doubt . She just keeps getting better...........Harv
  6. I'll have to look in the morning. Then I'll post......Harv
  7. OK, went back and dry brushed some silver on the panels and I like them more. Pics just don't show it too well, come out washed...........Harv
  8. NOW they come out with this.....Harv
  9. Quick shots. The aluminum panels are done (?) and not thrilled with them. To me , they look more grey than aluminum. So let me know what you think. Should I leave them or maybe try silver ? Thanks for looking in.....Harv
  10. Very small update. A little work tonight. Hopefully some more work tomorrow............Harv
  11. Man, thats some good stuff ! Excellent detail.......Harv
  12. She's looking killer ! Excellent paint, detail and weathering !............Harv
  13. I have my nose art on (again!) and have added some more color. Starting to look like something !Enjoy ! ......Harv
  14. Great looking bird. Different color and well done.......Harv
  15. Congrats, Rick ! Well deserved. Love the shooting star........Harv
  16. I like it ! Looks killer......Harv
  17. OH YEA ! I love it. Very well done...........Harv
  18. Tom, glad to see you and your awesome bird here ! Welcome.....Harv
  19. Had a chance to get to the 38 today. I removed the nose decals last night, and to my horror, a lot of paint along with it. This morning, I masked it off and sprayed some gloss black in a can. Was way to shinny, so buffed it some to tone it down Looks ok. I will put the new decals on later today. Got the left boom aluminum panels done around the turbo and I'm not sure about it. Kind of raggy. I'll think on that. But slipped the turbo in and I like that. Also added some brown wash on the left wing and wiped down. Sure makes a difference. Hope you like............Harv
  20. Thanks, my friend !.......Harv
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