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harvey boyer

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Everything posted by harvey boyer

  1. Sorry all. No time for building. Working 12 hr shifts (night) Hope to have more soon.....Harv
  2. Very well done, mate ! Like it a lot..........Harv
  3. Good luck and enjoy !..........Harv
  4. Small update....Started some of the decals........Harv
  5. Still waiting for a replacement nose art decal..........Harv
  6. Man, this is looking awesome ! I love it.....Harv
  7. Thanks Rick. Very kind of you ! Glad you like her.....harv
  8. Yes, I believe your right ! Thanks for stopping in and kind words....Harv
  9. Nice ! Are you going to weather it more ?............Harv
  10. Me like !...........Harv
  11. I treated myself to a little bench time this morning, and tried a bit more weathering with a silver artist pencil. This is were it stands. I like it, I think I'll leave the wing roots as they are. Maybe a bit more weathered than should be, but prove me wrong. Please, all comments welcome. Enjoy....I am.............Harv
  12. NICE ! Carry on.........Harv
  13. Have to remember that. Thanks.....Harv
  14. YES, Very scary ! It's always great to put a face to a name.Wish I could of been there guys !..........Harv
  15. I wasn't aware that one was in the kit. I will still get Derek's , IMHO, its much nicer and the bomb is from MDC, IIRC.................Harv
  16. Jamme, your making me want to pull mine out of the stash ! The one addition to mine( when I can get to it) is Derek's beautiful center line bomb and rack..........Harv
  17. Cee's, good work so far. Now get cracken......Harv
  18. To quote a Queen's song " She's a killer", Looking wonderfully good !..............Harv
  19. I like it ! Looks good.....Harv
  20. HAPPY HAPPY , JOY JOY !...........Harv
  21. I have been so excited about this, Please, all comments and critiques are welcome ! Hope you enjoy as much as I am. Sprayed clear gloss this morning, and most of the masking removed. Stuck the tires on for effect. I think the salt is a little over done, but not too bad. I think the pit really makes it POP, as well as the engine detail.Thanks for stopping by............Harv ( the happy camper) Still lots to do, weathering, props and spinners, wing tanks bay doors and of courses, Eli's great decals......
  22. Rick, I can't tell you how jazzed I am ! I am lovin it. Thanks for stopping by, glad you like it......Harv
  23. Yes, it's salt. I'll be brushing it off in the morning, then spray a coat of gloss clear. Then set for another day, not to touch it. Then I have a TON of things to finish up. Glad you all like it. I an so EXCITED !...........Harv
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