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About GusMac

  • Birthday 05/04/1968

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    Rural NE Scotland

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  1. Looking good.
  2. I think it's only the Eduard decals from mid-2020 onward which have the removeable film. Yours are from 2015 aren't they Chris, so definitely the conventional style.
  3. Thanks Kevin. With a bit of experimentation I've found that the best 'tool' for removing the film from these is my thumbnail! Lift a corner with the scalpel and then use the nail to lift the rest off. Works especially well for the smaller decals and stencils. The film is big enough to catch with tweezers on the insignia, etc.
  4. Tried after 24 hours and the carrier film came off okay thankfully. Used the mineral spirit tip I'd seen first but it did nothing. Best option was just to pick up a corner with a new scalpel blade and peel from there.
  5. Anyone used the 'new' Eduard decals and have any hints as to how to remove the carrier film? Specifically, how long did you leave them before trying it? I've seen various answers from a couple of hours to a couple of days on the web and I'd rather not screw it up at this stage.
  6. Looks great.
  7. What are your thoughts on the Gauzy Carl? I've never seen anyone using it before but the canopy on the Infinity Val look like they might benefit from something like this.
  8. Got all the detail painting done and a gloss coat on. So, it's decals up next. Eduard provide a million stencils for this but given my distaste for wasting hours on them in 1/48 and looking at pictures of the real aircraft I'm only going to use a few. If I can't see it in the pics then it's not going on! Should save me a few hours and a few quid in the swear box. 😁
  9. Decent progress made today. My wife had her twin sister visiting and they were going wild swimming, so plenty of bench time as the dog took one look at the weather and thought 'stuff that'. Does make me wonder whether the dog is smarter than the wife?! Anyway first thing was to get the grey-black down. Glad I went with the Mr Color as the alternative being suggested was Tamiya rubber black and I think it would just be too dark. Only a few minor touch-ups needed which was a pleasant surprise. These pictures also show off the oopsy I made the other day when I spilt some Tamiya Extra Thin on the cutting mat and it ate straight through the rubber top. Thankfully it missed the kit completely for once. Next up was some quick masking and on with the underside light grey. I'm pretty happy with where it's at. Next up is some detail work with the airbrush for the exhaust, nose ring and dielectric panels.
  10. Thanks Jeroen. Kind of makes me glad I've never got into 3D printing as I have enough obsessions rattling around in my head without adding something like this! 😁
  11. That's ridiculous that the wheels actually turn. Is that something you deliberately modelled in the files or just a happy accident?
  12. I always emphasise to our medical imaging students that, no matter what the manufacturers claim in their glossy brochures, no medical imaging system has yet been invented that can come close to reproducing the performance of the human eye. Mother Nature is bloody clever sometimes....
  13. Love Martin's pic of the driver's cab. Bit of a contrast to most modern cars!
  14. More fun with masking tape and scissors and we're ready for the grey-black. Hopefully get that done tomorrow and we can move on to the underside.
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