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Everything posted by mgbgtv8steve

  1. Hi All - I have a set of decals in 1/72nd scale which has a particular scheme that I'd like in 1/32ns scale - does anyone know anyone who can enlarge to 32nd. scale and colour print on decal film? Oh the joys of being a picky pensioner!! Regards, Steve S.
  2. Hi Ajay - I thought about paint masks but as you say the design might just be too complicated for this method. I think your second suggestion may offer a more available solution - all I need to do now is to get the household budget to stretch to the expense i.e. get 'her in doors approval' !! I'll contact Mal and see what he says - thanks! I hope the weather is being kind to you down in Cornwall - we used to live in Callington back in the '80s. Regards, Steve S.
  3. Hi everyone - I was reading through some books I have on the F.100 Super Sabre and came across F.100D 56-3262, the mount of Colonel S.T. Smith Jr. when he was CO of the 48th.TFW, and thought it had some very striking colours which would make a very attractive model. This set my mind a ticking as I've got the Trumpeter F100D kit, which I think is pretty good, and I think I can 'cobble together' most of the markings from the spares box but have hit a snag when it comes to the 48th.TFW badges and Colonel Smith's personal markings. Is there anyone/anywhere you can have 'bespoke decals' created in 1/32nd. scale? I look forward to being amazed. Regards, Steve S.
  4. A long promised and awaited kit that has just had a seriously comprehensive 'in the box' review - well done Erik!! Based on what you say, I shall be deferring my purchase until I've seen the promised/rumoured AFV kit in the same scale 'cos this Italeri version doesn't seem to really 'ring my chimes'. Thanks Eric, you've saved this poor pensioner a wedge of cash! Regards, Steve S.
  5. Now that's nice!! Well done Sasho, you've given me confidence. Keep it up! Regards, Steve S.
  6. Hi and a very happy New Year to you All. Now I'm retired, I' ve been looking at my 'holiday committments' for 2014 and find myself concerned that RIAT at Fairford and Flying Legends at Duxford appear to be on the same weekend Sat/Sunday 12th/13th. July. Am I having a 'senior moment' or is this right? This situation will certainly stretch my ability to enjoy both events!! regards, Steve S.
  7. Well done son - I'm proud of you! Let's be seeing it at the Bolton IPMS show on Sunday 19th. Jan 2014. I thought that was a subtle plug! Dad.
  8. Hi all - I've just had my Xmas present, well four of them actually! This mornings post brought me 4 examples of the fantastic work Doug Craner produces and they are absolutely beautiful!! All I have to do now is turn out some models worthy of these marvellous examples of the wood workers art! Thank you Doug! Merry Xmas all. Steve S.
  9. Currently on Amazon at £85.00 but I forgot to mention the £2.80 p & p !!!
  10. I've not been fortunate enough to obtain this beautiful book so I've been searching the net for one and I found one! however I won't be spending my hard earned pension on it 'cos the asking price is £85.00!!! Profiteering or what!!??!! Come on Air Modeller have another print run! Steve S.
  11. Lovely modelling and very interesting photo job! Am I looking at one model or two here or am I just being thick? Regards, Steve S.
  12. Thomas - this is really an amazing piece of modelling! fantastic! Keep up the superb work! Regards, Steve S.
  13. Erik - please don't rush on my behalf, I'd prefer, as I'm sure we all would, an in depth and balanced review - then I'll spend my hard earned!! (pension actually!) Enjoy, Regards, Steve S.
  14. Great tutorial Bertl - more please! I think you've had a few responses asking where you got your cutting block from - can I ask 'where did you get your cutting block from or did you make it yourself?' I'd really like one. Keep up the great work Bertl! Regards, Steve S.
  15. Thanks guys, you've made an old man happy! I await your considered opinion with eager anticipation. Shame about the lack of air to ground ordnance but I'll be happy if it turns out to be a good kit of my second favourite kerosene burner! I've always thought that there's a niche in the market for good accurate 'things to hang off wings' and the supporting literature .Scale Aircraft Modelling, when it was run and edited by Alan W. Hall, ran a short series of drawings many years back, that helped a little but didn't go far enough. Knowing that your latest creation would actually carry the ordnance you want to see on it and could actually take off and perform the mission, would/should result in an accurate rendition. Yet another of my hopes and dreams that I'll probably carry to my grave! I look forward to a typical in depth LSM kit review. Thanks, Steve S.
  16. I know it's out in the shops but I've yet to see a comprehensive review, rather than educated guesses, of the actual Italeri F.104 kit yet. Is a review imminent on LSM? If so can you please tell me if Italeri has included AN/ALE-40(N) chaff and flare dispensers or AS-34 Kormoran missiles as per MarineFlieger 104s'? After all, Xmas is just around the corner! Humbly, Steve S.
  17. Marvellous work Bertl! Where can I lay my hands on the jig you are using or is it something you built? Looks like your D.VII and Hannover are two great models - have we seen them on LSM yet? Best regards, Steve S. - 'Phantom Phanatic', too afraid to start my WNWs'
  18. I'm with you Dave, I want to see more of this really great build!! You are certainly getting to be an inspiration James and yes I do like to read your reviews! Press on James. Steve S.
  19. Thanks for that Erik - I think it's a really good value and interesting sheet with that and one I'll certainly consider when I've got my greasy paws on either the Italeri or now AFV Club Starfighter!! Spoilt for choice or what? Regards, Steve
  20. Erik - I think this is a really great sheet and certainly one that is a little less than mainstream and is certainly very unusual! However can I just ask if you meant to say that the sheet contains markings for D-8063? If it does that would certainly be a very welcome bonus!! Steve S.
  21. Bertl - amazing! Your eye for detail and your application leaves me breathless in awe! Some of the best modelling I've ever seen and something for me to aim at! Very well done! Steve S.
  22. Hey ho - I hate to be predictable but a British Phantom, either FG.1 or FGR.2, would plug a large hole in my 'bucket list'!! What else? Well it wouldn't be a hardship to see:- Hunter two seater Late model Beaufighter Folland Gnat That'll do for the moment. Is there a Santa Claus?? Steve S.
  23. Great review Jim, but I expect that from you!! I was lucky enough to purchase this set at Telford on Saturday so I can confirm first hand just how good it is!! I was also able to spend some time with Rowan and his lovely wife Sabine and I must say you couldn't meet 2 nicer and enthusiastic people. Now where's the re-print of Ltn. Wolfs Albatross? Steve S.
  24. Seriously!? If you really need to know, it's Zoukei Maru, that Japanese company that tends towards the 'exotic'. I asked them for a British Phantom - I wouldn't mind either a FG.1 or a FGR.2 - and do you know he didn't laugh out loud!! Love the stuff you are doing with WNW Pardelhas! Steve S.
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