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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Hobby Boss F-84E back on the bench

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I started this build back in 2020 but set it aside for "later". Well, NOW is later. LOL I'm using the outstanding AMS resin cockpit and seat plus the IP with airscale instrument faces. My intent is to represent a Ohio/Idaho ANG a/c with red flashes on the tail and fuselage. Stay tuned. :)

6-23-21 001.jpg

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41 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Will be with you the entire way :popcorn:

So glad the F-84 is back on the bench and waiting your magical touch.

Keep 'em comin


Thank you Peter. :)

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1 hour ago, GazzaS said:

Nice to see it closed up around that office, John!Ā  IP is stunning!

Thank you Gaz. :) Those Airscale instrument faces are nice plus they are each separate on the decal sheet unlike others I've "tried" to use.Ā 

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2 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Nice progress and looking mighty good.

Won't be long before she is in the paint shop.

Keep 'em comin


Since I had started this build last year and set it aside I have a "head start" now. LOL I'll have to do some re-scaling and printing the markings I plan to use since they aren't available in 1/32. We'll see how that goes. :)


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Holy smokes, Thatā€™s exactly the scheme I wanted to do as well. I believe 1/48 scale monogram kit came with it. I even build a nuke for it to spice it up a little.Ā 
great choice John, now you have my full attention.Ā 



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26 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Nice call on printing your own decals. I wish I knew how to print my own but I haven't a clue.

Keep 'em comin


It's not all that difficult Peter but you'd need a laser printer for best results. Do you have one? If you do I'll talk you through the procedure. :)

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Thanks John

Just bought a new printer, at least for me but it's only a B&W for documents.Ā  My other color printer is a big Canon for doing photographic prints and isn't set up for this type of work. Might just be looking at a new printer this fall and I'll make sure it's a color printer this time.

Keep 'em comin


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2 minutes ago, Peterpools said:

Thanks John

Just bought a new printer, at least for me but it's only a B&W for documents.Ā  My other color printer is a big Canon for doing photographic prints and isn't set up for this type of work. Might just be looking at a new printer this fall and I'll make sure it's a color printer this time.

Keep 'em comin


You likely could use that Canon color printer. Bare Metal Foil Co. makes blank decal paper that you can use. Testors has a "system" for that. I have it but haven't ever used it. I can send it to you if you want. Freebie! :)


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