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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Tommy's War 1914 Douglas bike 1/32

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Hi guys and guys,


Yesterday I came home to a nice surprise. A big box which revealed miles and miles of bubble wrap until I ended up with a small box.

A little resin kit I have been wanting a lot and... got!

How cool will this look parked under the wing of a DH9a or next to the Snipe??


Very cool. Indeed.


This is no 1/35 Tamiya BMW from 1975. This is something else.


Here's a pic of the finished product.... 




(Figures not included).


And here's a link to a very handy page, showing the construction step by step:




Really nice. Bare with me. I'm starting this build real soon.

This will be the first 'armour' build I'm doing since years.



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Gents, gents, gents - it's just a kid presenting his first build. 


Didn't we all start this way ? I know I did.

He'll think twice before showing something again.

This exalted forum of expert gentlemen is supposed to be less cruel than a schoolyard...

I was being serious about my figure painting skills. They are in par with Stephano's....

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The questionable part is actually: is it civilian??

(But I won't throw in my own windows, as we say..)


I never questioned bikes not to be armour subjects, since they have always been present on sites like:





Anyhoooo.. I snipped some forst resin today. Very very delicate stuff.




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So today I took my little nephew to the Louwman museum in The Hague. This is one of the (if not THE) most beautiful museum in the Netherlands. And I'm not even a car enthusiast. Suddenly I spot a Douglas bike! Took some pics, but unfortunately I was unable to get any closer, or move around it. 


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I'm really taking my time with the very delicate resin. Lots of test fitting and aligning.

I replaced the cross connections of the baggage carrier and replaced them with 0,25' plastic rod.

This way you don't have any joints to clean up.

Also getting the PE spokes in. You can see there's a very small gap between the PE and resin wheel, but that's easy to fix with a little zap-a-gap.

All very delicate and fiddly stuff, but do-able.



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Here's a pic of the rear wheel in place. Some dry fitting and testing is required to make sure the frame aligns. After glueing it all and eyeballing it yesterday, something seemed off. The luggage carrier was in a slight angle. I took it all apart. Cleaned it up. Made small 'what do you call it' from rod and the angle of the tank and luggage carrier thing was straight. Next step will be smooting out the joints with some mr Surfacer.


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Hi Dave,

You're right, but the fit is soo good, you can insert the spoke disc. position and then glue.

Here's the front wheel with the same copper tube axle. As soon as i glue the front fork to the frame the main components are done.

Then it's on to smaller irrelevant details like the steering handles 


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