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32 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

My next build will be a Curtiss Hawk. 

The Silver wings P-6E? If so, I'm getting a seat ready. That's my favourite biplane. 


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20 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

The Silver wings P-6E? If so, I'm getting a seat ready. That's my favourite biplane. 


I’m ready for that, but I need a P-40B first

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I would also like to do the Special Hobby Fixed gear Hawk version, and a classic P-36.

But that P-6 is calling to me as well.

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I gave about 80% of the airframe a shot of black One Shot by MiG, and I’ll get some pics up when the entire airframe is in black. 

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14 hours ago, Peterpools said:


So you have a GWH P-40 secretly underway - how about a few pics, as I am eager to see how you tackled the areas that gave me fits.


Not underway yet, except for attaching the Quinta instrument decal to the panel. 

The fit of the Quinta 3D decal was superb 

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We gave the airframe a shot of MiG One Shot black primer. This stuff sure dries super slow, which is good, because that means it levels off perfectly.   I can a d does go on with a disconcerting Orange peel look to it, (probably operator error), but it dries flawless. 




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11 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

The primer highlights a couple areas that still need work. I love it!  

Me 2 👍 !


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Right with you -the helldiver is looking so good and under a super, smooth coat of Black Primer.

I'm pretty much now about at the same stage with my P-40 and posted a few update pics to show where I am. I checked all the panel lines with MRP Black Primer and I knew I would need some follow up work and the good old black primer agreed.

Just love those Quinta 3D decals - can't build without them


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A bit of progress tonight. 
I had originally planned on having clean wings, but research finds me having to mount the rocket stubs and bomb racks. Apparently the rocket stubs were standard equipment on -4 production.  😡

I DESPISE hanging bomb racks and building bombs. The racks dirty up beautiful clean airframes, and building bombs has to be the most tedious form of repetitious self torture in model building. 



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I built up the dinghy container according to the instructions.  I realize it’s much simplified, but I have ZERO information on how they stored the dinghy, etc. 

So, being that it’s all but hidden under the turtledeck, I simply painted it green and formed some wet paper towel into a “folded dinghy” cylindrical form, and shoved it in.  Then, I hit the visible area with faded olive drab followed by a khaki wash. Probably not all that prototypical, but it’s a semi literate guess at what’s in there.  At least it’s not an empty tube now. The dinghy container fit well, but I had to tweak the front mount a bit to allow it to rest square to the fuselage. 




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Finally, I couldn’t resist trying on the resin HPH hood pieces, and like I had said a few months ago, they fit perfectly and are a HUGE improvement over the IM parts.   I used the resin windscreen and the resin gunner’s hood. The fixture glass is a kit part, as is the front cockpit hood. 
Im starting to feel good about this build, now. Slowly, I’m getting past the caution areas mapped out by previous builders, and finding answers to new issues.

I’m happy -ish right now. 



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It's a good thing to reach a feelgood point in a demanding build, helps amping up the motivation. In a way, I like what you said about builders vs. assemblers. I'm both, sometimes I feel a deep satisfaction with grinding through sub-par plastic, finding solutions, and sometimes it's about assembling fast and easy, because the goal of the build is to  achieve something new or special painting- or weathering wise.
The big thing starts to look Helldiver poco a poco, but I'm with you, detesting bomb racks and the build of these explosive things with it's boring redundance.
Fit of the glass looks great with the resin parts, what had HPH in mind, designing the IP ones, when having the others already made, mayor f***-up, I'd say.
One more question if I'm allowed, is the 'we' in your log something to do with me, myself and I?

Cheers Rob

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LOL @Rob. 

Not sure what I meant with the “we”, other than it sounds better than “I”.  My builds tend to be group efforts with Martin doing a ton of research, and everyone here providing more and technical support, so I do consider these builds as group efforts. 

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I’ve been taking my sweet assed time on this one, checking, double checking, and triple checking everything before committing to any glue.  
another one of my concerns has been the little fairing to the fin where the turtle deck retracts. JohnB  and several other builders had issues with the fit of the small glass piece, but when using the open gunner’s position kit, that little clear part fits perfectly. 



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At a quick glance, I thought that last picture showed a poster stuck on the front of a wardrobe, then I realised it was the kit box!! 😮

You're going to need all that garage space just to display that when it's done.

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