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20 hours ago, HubertB said:

Aren’t « slow parts » the very essence of cricket ?
Enquiring minds want to know 🙄 ?


Well...   test cricket.  It's ok if you batsmen are playing aggressively.  But if they are the last guys in the lineup and they are just trying to stay alive...  boring.

  • Like 2
17 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Weathering does look so good and sometimes the unplanned effects work out just fine as it does here. The sanding for highlighting the rivets worked perfectly.

No reason not to relax, watch tv and relax - there isn't a deadline to finish.  I actually started watching the Womans World Cup Soccer and learning as the game progressed. Nice for a USA win.  



Thank you, Peter.  I've fallen far behind my goal of 6-12 builds per year.

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Hi everyone,

    My slow pace lately...   means I'm not getting much done.  I did a bit yesterday because this bird needs to get done.

A lot of time was spent detailing the kit drop tank.  I added fuel lines, reconfigured the drop strap, and made a ton of dings and dents.  Hopefully weathering will make it look better.


The difficult thing about denting is that most dents we might make by hand either too rough, or too deep.  So, I needed to fill them some and the water based filler didn't always come away the way I wanted.


I also did some work on the Eagle Parts tail wheel supplied by the great guy that sold me the kit.  I also did some work with oils on it as well as some chipping.


This is really a sweetly detailed part.  It will get a bit more chipping done to it. as well as weathering on the tire.


Finally the underside of the bird.  After a few years, I've been able to get braver and braver each time, adding more dirt and grime underneath.  I want to do more, but I'm getting to the "should I?" point.  The wheel wells and LG legs will definitely get more.


I've kept the ETC 501 rack cleaner than the rest to show it's temporary use on the bird.


Happy modelling!


  • Like 7

Nice progress, Gary. I like the drop tank, with a matte coat it will look good. I 'dent' surfaces mostly with a rounded scalpel blade and carve very carefully. With an application of Tamiya Extra Thin, I round the few edges a bit.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 2
21 hours ago, DocRob said:

Nice progress, Gary. I like the drop tank, with a matte coat it will look good. I 'dent' surfaces mostly with a rounded scalpel blade and carve very carefully. With an application of Tamiya Extra Thin, I round the few edges a bit.

Cheers Rob

Thanks Rob.  I've done the same...   but even after multiple applications of Xtra thin, it neve3r looks quite right.

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Well, when I dented something last time, it was a bit more on the rough side. I tried to let the floats of my Hansa Brandenburg look a bit more abused, like on the photos. Before the Extra Thin, I smoothed out the dents with sanding sticks.


Cheers Rob

  • Like 3
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Nice progress on the drop tank - details, dents and dings are looking mighty good. The tailwheel is coming along nicely and a lot of work for such a small part.


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Hi everyone,

This will be a photo heavy update.  For the last couple weeks I have been trying to put a patina on this aircraft.

I made my own decals for the two personal markings on this machine.  Unfortunately, the ink ran and had to be supplanted with paint.  From a distance they look ok.  In macro...   not so much.



The gun and engine covers are often seen heavily chipped.  I tried to do the same with hairspray chipping in two layers followed by chipping applied in aluminum paint with a very finely tipped brush.



The same process was done on the walkway at the wing root.  I tried to show the original Luftwaffe camo under the appropriated Soviet colors.



I generally don't do much to upper wings.  But I wanted to add a patina of 'used' here.  In the hollow cross area, the original camo wasn't painted over...   so all of the sources say.



The Eagle Parts tailwheel was turned to the side to provide visual interest.  It has been shipped, and the wheel has been weathered with oils and pigments. IMG_2335.thumb.JPG.f2fa8f414d799c54e94238d07bbb265d.JPG


Scuff marks were added to the win




Sponge chipping and paintbrush chipping of the propeller blades.




I also tried to add a patina to the blades...  so they wouldn't be so boring.



The fuel tank, dented, weathered, and attached to the ETC501 rack.



The wheels were weathered with oils and pigments...   there will be more pigments later.




I didn't use many decals.  The tab decals are among the few examples.



Often, exhaust smudges were wiped off by maintenance crews.  I tried to replicate this with dark oils...   to make the paint look soot-stained.



The wheel wells got a heavy dose of 'dirt'.  It probably would have been better applied had I done it before assembly.



And finally another view of the fuel tank.



Thanks for looking!


  • Like 6
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20 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

Bloomin stunning Gaz, weathering is amazing. I did like the MG bay cover and how it had warped and distorted through continuous use………

Thank you, Phil.  I wanted to do more to that part...   but it's so easy to do too much.

  • Like 3

Good thinking and execution of the wear and tear of your 190, Gary. I liked all measures except the scuff marks. For my liking they are a bit prominent. A darker color would have suited better :2c:. The general idea of scuff marks is not so much, showing what is under the paint, then residues from boots abrasion, I guess.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 3
9 hours ago, DocRob said:

Good thinking and execution of the wear and tear of your 190, Gary. I liked all measures except the scuff marks. For my liking they are a bit prominent. A darker color would have suited better :2c:. The general idea of scuff marks is not so much, showing what is under the paint, then residues from boots abrasion, I guess.

Cheers Rob

Thank you Rob.  Please bear in mind that you were looking at macro photos in harsh light with no matte coat applied.   This is the current state after matte coating and seen from  normal viewing distance.  The problem with using darker colors is finding colors themselves.  I didn't have a darker gray.  And using a green is really bad because all of the greens I have contrast too much to the color scheme itself.


8 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Some very convincing weathering; a well-worn 190, with a lot of punishing flight hours. 


Thank you, Peter.  You don't really get to see many photos of well-worn 190's.  Check out this one:


It's not only worn, but also has additional paint applied to the upper wings.    I was saving this extreme example for an A4 if we ever get a new one.

I read the memoirs of a ground attack (Schlacht Gruppen) pilot who flew in Russia.  They were continually in action flying multiple sorties per day, every day.  It sounded exhausting.  Even more exhausting for the ground crews who had to stay up through the night making repairs and preparing the machines for the next day.  I doubt repainting was a priority.

  • Like 4

Just got this pic from Farcebook.  Not sure if I will make changes to the underside, though.  This is the first image I have that shows the weathering caused by the lower set of exhausts on the 190.


  • Like 3

Thank you, Kevin!

Today's update concerns the control surfaces.  I had previously sanded off the too-heavy details provided in the original plastic.  After all of the other steps, I laid down masking tape at measured intervals, and with oils, lay down straight-ish lines with shades that I hoped would fit in with the camoflage colors.



Back when I built the PCM 190 a1-3, I had also removed all of the wing textures.   Then I placed decals where the rib tapes belonged.  I wasn't totally happy with the result, because after oil weathering and applying a matte coat, it looked rather dirty.  The picture below illustrates the old PCM build compared to the current rib tapes on this build.


But again, things will look different once the oils have dried and a matte coat has been applied.  If they look too obtrusive, I can hit them with an airbrush filter in the original color to dumb them down a bit.

Due to the victory marks on the rudder, I just decided to paint the lines by hand.  But again, you will get an idea of my intent.




Thanks for looking!

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Hello everyone,

    The final steps of this model seemed to drag on forever, though each one was tiny in comparison to the rest.  The guns were painted slate gray and then buffed with graphite.  The gun camera window and tail light were covered with clear fluorescent setting gel.  And last but not least, the aerial was installed.   Here are a few detail photos to look at before you hit the link for the RFI.










And the link for for the panoramic style photos:



  • Like 5
6 hours ago, Peterpools said:


What a build and weathering easily gave your 190 a well-used but flyable look. Aces on a build so very well done. 


Thank you, sir!


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