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4 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Thank Dave

back on track and nothing like a Tamiya kit to get my juices flowing again.

Good to see this back on the bench.

Why not do another Tamiya Mossie for the competition? 😀

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Thanks Phil

Feels good to be building again and not frustrated and I'm now ready for priming this week 👍

I did think of building another Mossie for the competition but at this stage, it's way to involved of a build and I'm starting to concentrate on 48th scale builds for a while.


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Good to see you rejuvenated at the bench again. The P-38 looks so good and will restore your mojo soon. That reminds me, I wanted to do one in NMF with Eduard rivets on.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 4


The old mojo is back and the juices are flowing. So far the P-38 has to be the best fitting kit I've ever built. Looking forward to following your NMF build n it too far down the road.

Will be ordering the P-38J pretty soon.


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FYI> the Smithsonian Channel did a special on the P-38 tonight.  The show is called Air Warriors.  Might be available On-Demand.  Lots of war footage so probably more of interest than of resource.  

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  • Thanks 1


It’s been too long since the P-38 occupied front and center on the bench and the focus of my build time. Picking up where I left off, dusting off the model and taking care of the remaining pre-priming issues. My wife and I are managing our medical issues and things are starting to settle down for the time being. 

Front windscreen was attached with a gingerly bit of Extra Thin as it wouldn’t completely sit down quite right and the rear canopy was attached with Micro Krystal Kleer. The center closed section was used for easy masking, as the build will have an open canopy.

The gear bays were masked off with bits of foam and paper towel and the seams were given a last once over. Easier to sit the P-38 on the JL painting stand that I’ve had for a good decade plus, so priming could be accomplished in one session.

Primer of choice: MRP Fine Surface Primer Black was used with no issues or redo’s found so far.

Priming went fine and the next step is the actual paint work:

MRP-139 Olive Drab 41

MRP_141 Neutral Gray 42

Finally back into the paint booth for extra fun and relaxation

Just a few pics that the P-38 is underway and making her way through the paint shop





  • Like 9

A smooth coat of primer is the perfect foundation for further painting. Your base layer looks great Peter, can't wait to see the color on the 'Gabelschwanzteufel'. Just yesterday, I made the first snips on mine, but still have to decide, if it will be my next build. As I'm leaving for some short holidays in two weeks, it might be the perfect in-between build.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 3

Thanks Rob

Tamiya P-38 is as close to being the perfect kit, with just no issues. I'm even going to use the kit decals. Only downside as with most Tamiya kits, the canopy masks are not die cut and in 48th scale, way too demanding on my eyes to cut them out correctly. I used Eduards masks and they were awesome. 



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Nice looking, Peter.  Nice and smooth.  I agree about the non-pre-cut masks - I never seem to get them quite right.  Eduard is usually the way I end up going, too.  Can't wait to see how she looks in her colors.


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Thanks Chris

MRP Neutral Gray went on this morning and tomorrow, I'll attempt to tackle the upper Oliver Drab free hand ... fingers crossed. 🤞

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1 hour ago, Peterpools said:

Thanks John

Today is the big day of the upper cammo going on ... sure hope there isn't going to be much of a cuss factor involved with it.


Agreed Peter! Fingers crossed!!!:)

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Halfway home. Tomorrow a few touch ups with the neutral gray and I think the cammo is done. I really need to up the wattage in the studio when airbrushing - just hard to see what's going on in 48th scale.



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I too am so used to 1/32 I now find it difficult to see things in 1/48. Especially the little fiddly bits! I started the new Eduard 1/48 Wildercat yesterday and it was tough to see the smaller pieces, etc. 🤪

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Thanks Kev

I'm very slowly making progress as this week I was transported to the hospital ER by ambulance, I'm home now and seeing my doctor today. Just seems it's always something.


  • Sad 4


Right with you and completely agree. It's very hard to start working smaller and at our tender age, seeing all the details and smaller parts isn't easy and a new learning experience. Try air brushing a free hand cammo scheme on the P-38 booms - Now that's an experience for sure. Need to do a bit more and it's done and after I get to actually photograph it, I'll know how successful I was or how badly I failed. 

No bench time today as I have a doctor's appointment following up my Hsopital ER visit. 🤞


  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Right with you and completely agree. It's very hard to start working smaller and at our tender age, seeing all the details and smaller parts isn't easy and a new learning experience. Try air brushing a free hand cammo scheme on the P-38 booms - Now that's an experience for sure. Need to do a bit more and it's done and after I get to actually photograph it, I'll know how successful I was or how badly I failed. 

No bench time today as I have a doctor's appointment following up my Hsopital ER visit. 🤞


I hope all goes well today Peter. Fingers crossed.

  • Like 1

Thanks John. Today went pretty will with a lot of blood work scheduled over the next few weeks and we'll be zeroing on the new issues with their results.

Feeling weel enough to spend some time at the bench tomorrow, finish up the cammo and do an update.


  • Like 3
10 minutes ago, Peterpools said:

Thanks John. Today went pretty will with a lot of blood work scheduled over the next few weeks and we'll be zeroing on the new issues with their results.

Feeling weel enough to spend some time at the bench tomorrow, finish up the cammo and do an update.


That's good Peter. Take it easy and keep your fingers crossed. :)

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