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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32 Revell Bf 109G-6 (early) "White 17" 7. /JG 53 Italy, late 1943

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Been a while since I posted something, sorry about that.

Busy life and some health issues kept me from doing much, but 2 other 109 WIP topics urged me to start again.


Where was I?

Finished the JG 5 G-14 (Kagero decals) and the JG 52 G-10 (Barracuda decals) and lost it while building the Eduard E-3. Nothing since then  :(


A few weeks ago I started to check out this forum again....trying to find the inspiration and courage to start or continue something.


So let's do something I feel comfy about...a G-6 will do nicely!


Here we go again...




A workhorse JG 53 G-6 with WGr.21 rockets and a very basic 74/75/76 scheme.

Not much aftermarket stuff...just HGW seatbelts, HAD decals, Barracuda prop and bulges, Eduard WGr.21 and (new, now 100% correct) North Star Revi-16B gunsight.


Some other stuff I scratch, fix or adjust myself. Like...the pit, exhausts, pitot tube, opening vents and what more.


I'll use Vallejo (Air) acrylic paint.



pit almost done, just a few more wires.


Another 109? Yep...well, I just love this plane and the Revell kit is pretty good and dead cheap!


More soon  :rolleyes:



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Do not be sorry my friend !!! The Health before all !!

I will take you on a subject that fascinates me in particular !!
I'm also curious to see the rocket pods on the bird !!!
The beginnings are very promising and details of the bathtub panels are superb !!! Bravos !!!!!!

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First bit to show...



Filled the details that shouldn't be on an early G-6 (Matt & Mike review), dropped in the side panels, because it's much easier to glue from the inside and fill the faux panel seam now. Also opened the 4 air scoops and removed the plastic behind the prop, so I can drop in the exhaust stacks later on...it's a pain to mask them.




Worked on the oddly shaped air intake. The Revell version isn't rounded...it has some straight edges (hope that makes sense).

Sanded the thing to a smooth rounded air intake, added the weld seam with stretched sprue and beefed the size up with some layers of enemal paint. Will do...for me anyway  :unsure:




Finished the pit.


I shamelessly copy details I see on aftermarket pits  :lol:


Time for some paint now...


More soon  :)



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Pit about ready to drop in.


The instrument panel....not much changed. 

I used the Revell decal...cut in 8 pieces and soaked it to death with Micro Sol to make them fit.

Only added a red handle and a "Hilfsgerätetafel" (weapons panel).

Still have to make a tube and valve underneath the right side of the panel. The North Star Revi gunsight can wait for a bit.


The pit...Revell parts, HGW seatbelts and rudder pedals...the rest I scratch build using brass rods/tubes, Evergreen, stretched sprue and PE scraps.


Weathered the floor with Mig "Industrial city dirt" pigment...washed in with water.


This took me a week, but from here it gets easier!


More soon  :)




Edit: forgot to add the stick!

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Update again....


Although I'll never reach the level of greatness I see on this forum...I do try hard to improve!


Finished the fuselage.


I now spend more time and energy to ensure a good fit. I also doubled my efforts on filling and sanding to make things look okey.

It's a great kit and the parts go together nicely, but it's very sensitive to "man made errors". A bit too much glue on the outside of the pit and the fuselage halves won't come together properly....just an example. It's my third Revell 109, so by now I'm aware of all the possible pitfalls you can encounter. Still not always easy to get it right.


Apart from the pretty poor beules, the top of the engine cover (part J44 or J45) is most likely the only really nasty part in the box.

The shape isn't right and it will leave you with a dreadful seam to fill. It's not a natural panel line, so it has to be filled and cleaned up with great care.

To make it worse...it's too much rounded.



I scored a line lenghtwise on the inside...dropped the part in hot water and bend it outwards to make it more or less fit.



Solved!  :)



On many photo's I see wide gaps between the front part and the engine and oil cooler covers, so I did some scribing.



The wonderful Barracuda beules. Great stuff!



Scribed the missing hatch on the bottom of the fuselage.


Well that's it for today...fuselage done. Wings next.


Ohh...and found a very helpful photo of the plane I'm building...



I was wondering about what type of headrest to use...here is the answer...the armored glass version   :)

Also good to see...the soft edged 1/3 white prop hub and the sloppy wavey camo line on the wings.

Smooth tires, ribbed hubs...check!


More soon!



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Always nice to see how modellers solve problems. Part of the fun too.

Very nice progress.


So true!


But now I face a problem I don't know how to solve...


The Eduard Brassin WGr.21 rockets are a bit of a mess.

The tubes are bent....not straight at all. Tried to bend them straight, but that doesn't work.

The material is also way too thick and I cant reduce it from the inside because of the 3 L shaped guide rails there. Can't sand the outside either, because of the rivets, weld line and attachment points. No idea how to get this right.

And...the opening is egg shaped instead of round. Maybe I can push it in shape again, but not sure about that.

Last...one of the attachment rods is missing. I can scratch it with sliding brass tubes, but not nice.


I expected better from Eduard Brassin...pretty poor performance imho  :(

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Now a bit boring information, but it might be helpful for people who want to build this model (like PILOTE109).



Manual stage 32, parts 100 and 108.


It's much...MUCH easier when you do this before you glue the underside wings to the fuselage and upper wing roots. 

So...before stage 31.


You can add the "control pins" to open or close the intake. Just drill a small hole (0.3mm or so) and insert stretched sprue.

Drop of glue on the inside...cut off on the outside...light sanding and done. Extra detail with very little effort. :)


After this....



The infamous parts 84A (on sprue B and A26 (on sprue A). They're not in the manual.


And a minor fitting issue...



You can cut off the 2 pins on the rear side of the under wings and replace them with some Evergreen.

The pins don't support the wing root and outer wing there. When you push it down, you'll end up with a wrong edge and the flaps won't fit.


Apart from this...the wings go together really well without much effort.



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Finished the plane to the point where I can start painting.


Last bits to go on where the WGr.21 attachment hooks...


Also note the 4 holes for the struts. The Brassin set came with handy templates.


Fingers crossed I won't knock them off  :unsure:


Also...stumbled upon this when I visited my local model shop...


New to me!

Perhaps I can use this for the wavy camo line on the front edge of the wings?

I'll do a test to see how far I can go with this.


More soon!


Rob :piliot:

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Yeah, thinking about that.

Already checked what's available in my model shop yesterday. I need 7mm tube....can choose brass (maybe too heavy?), aluminium (thinnest of the 3) or plastic (easiest to work with). The rivets, weld line and interior guide rails won't be a problem. What makes scratch building tough is the 4 strut attachment points.



Good photo of the real thing...



Still trying to bend the resin tubes in shape, when that doesn't work out well...I'll make my own. To be decided



It paid off to carefully fill and sand the faux panel lines. They're (almost) gone.  :)

(the Erla canopy is there to protect the pit...it's a spare canopy, I won't use it)


Note the rubber seal strip between the rear side of the engine cover (including the beules) and the fuselage.


A good photo showing the rubber strips...


Not noticed this strip before and I wondered about the weird double panel line, but Revell did it right...it's the rubber strip.

Thanks to the Barracuda beule set. Roy pointed out the strip in the manual.


More soon!


Rob :piliot:

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interesting progress...

Do you shop at De Houtloods? by any chance?

Yep, and their bigger sister store the Wapstad in Rijswijk. Really nice people and great places to buy paint and tools.


okey...so I started with some shades of aluminium...



That's because I wanted to try salt paint chipping. Never done that before, so it's something new for me to try :unsure:

At first I only wanted to do the aluminium in places where I want to do the chipping, but I'm afraid the significant difference between base white and the metal will show when I apply a light colour like RLM 76.


So...the whole darn thing got blasted aluminium  :lol:



I tried not to overdo it.So far I'm pretty pleased with the result. :)


More soon!


Rob  :piliot:

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One step further...






The salt thing is nice to do, but with several colours to deal with...time consuming, but that's okey. I learned a new trick :lol:

There still some salt grains here and there, I'll see to that later. I did a hasty clean up...eager to make a photo.

Since there's aluminium underneath the 74/75/76...I can add more small paint chips and scratches by carefully scraping off top paint layers I spose.


I used the new...and imho much better...Vallejo RLM75 (Model Air 71.259 Grauviolet) and RLM74 (Model Air 71.258 Graugrün).

Much...much better. The old ones are way off....good move from Vallejo! A whole range of new and improved RLM colours


Not too pleased with the new RLM76...too blue I think (too close to RLM65), so I used the "old" one...I like it better.


Looking forward to do the mottling. The photo's I've seen of the actual plane show a different kind of mottling than the Osprey and HaD images I have. None...or hardly any in front of the beules, kinda busy streaking mottles underneath the pit and more standard light mottles behind the pit. 

Its fun to study photo's. I enlarge them to 300% and more to get a good look at what's going on.


More soon! 


Rob  :piliot:

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