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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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Hi guys,


Here is a model I have been working on for the last month after it was putted by me on the shelf of shame a couple of years ago.

I finally finished this one today.  The 21st Century models Macchi 205 is a little crude, but the form is good and quite easy to build I did made some modifications to it. the wheels and exhaust where the worst, so I replaced them. the wheels are from the spare parts box and the exhausts are from Quickboost for a Bf-109 G.


Here are the pictures.










Edit: I forgot about the spinner. It is one from a old 1/32 Revell Beafighter. It was a little bit reprofiled on the tip. 

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Thanxs Guys,


@mikester. I didn't do anything to the cockpit. I builded it out of the box. That includes the pilot. That is a very good looking figure.

 As not much can be seen when the canopie is closed and the pilot as well I chose not to do anything to it. If you want to place it open you have to do more. Aspecialy the seat needs than some more detailing.





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