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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

New kits announcement from ZM


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Hi all,


Don't know if anyone has seen this already, but ZM just announced two new kits in 1/32: a Hs129 and the Ki45!


Well there goes my GMF HS129... a injection molded version is a must buy for me!


Link: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zoukeimura.co.jp%2Fsentiment%2Foyajiblog_089.html&edit-text

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I am hoping they do a simplified version as they have with some other kits as not everyone likes the super detailing ribs and innards.  Both will be welcome though.


The answer to that question is: "Of course both the two aircraft, is under intensive development as SWS standard model that try to reproduce the limit until the details of the details!" ... so no ... not a "basic" SWS layout.


Rog :)

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Put me down for...








I know that two of these have been kitted in limited resin recently, but I'm not meant to actually touch the stuff. Also would be very interested in more "build-friendly" versions of the Macchi 200/202/205 series which would share many common sprues between these variants, should that be a consideration.



Well, I asked for one of these in a thread on this site three years ago, so as a Greek mate of mine likes to say "When the music plays, you'd better dance!"


As for the Nick... name another Japanese twin done in mainstream 1/32nd scale... ever. I'll take two please.



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Sorry but I don't get a harde plasser from either of these. ;)

It's OK, they have medication now for that sort of thing.


On a side note...


Of the many thousands of Modellers that would have gone past the Zoukei-Mura booth at Telford last weekend, not one of you thought to ask about the status of their forthcoming Fw190 kits?



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It's OK, they have medication now for that sort of thing.


On a side note...


Of the many thousands of Modellers that would have gone past the Zoukei-Mura booth at Telford last weekend, not one of you thought to ask about the status of their forthcoming Fw190 kits?




Me x2 ... I've sent them a reply email to the one they sent me many moons ago advising of a 2017 release date.


If I hear back, I'll post


Rog :)

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I haven't yet received an email directly from ZM ... but I did receive a reply back to an FB post on the VOLKS USA page:


"Hello Roger! Thank you very much for your comment to us. The FW 190 is still in development. We will post more information as we get it from ZOUKEI-MURA here on our Facebook. Thank you very much!"


I don't know how well connected VOLKS staff are with ZM ... Or whether they give a rats about our enquiries


Rog :)

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