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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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Here are the finished photo's of my finished Hasegawa P-40E which was started to regain my pleasure in scale aircraft modelling. Final thing to do is the antenne but I seem to be out of ez-line. The Hasegawa kit is a very nice kit for this purpose. The Dutch livery makes a change from all the sharkmouths we usually see with this type of aircraft.

My pleasure and fun has been well and truly restored. Will start the next project this evening.








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Muy bien, and as you said, without a sharkmouth, the bird is much harder to recognize, as it seems to be a signature mark on the P-40's :D.
Have fun with your future projects, it's always good to keep the Mojo flowing after a draught and it seems you had a little Kickstarter gem.

Cheers Rob


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Guest DannyVM

Very nice looking P-40 Cees. Also a really interesting and exotic color scheme, congrats mate.





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