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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've gone tubeless on my road bike and it's so much less hassle as Carl says. Bloody hard work pumping them up but pretty robust. We're lucky to have lots of quiet country roads round us to go out on but the flip side to that is that they aren't well maintained so lots of huuuuge potholes at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Martinnfb said:

Very true, there are only two seasons in Calgary, the Winter and the Construction one :)


I've read all of Neil Peart's books about cycling and motorcycling around Canada and he always makes that exact point. We haven't even had a particularly bad winter this year but they just seem to be cheaping out on the repairs, so everything falls apart quicker than ever. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok............................ I will ask the question, that I really need some input on, if you guys can... about to build a garage for my Corvettes.... it is going to be a free standing building concrete floors, wood construction , insulated, kind of want a small shop , man cave.... nothing outlandish, .... I live in Canada, where the winters are damp and chilly, not really 'cold' but never the less, it will , or I want it to have a little heat.... only want to keep it about 60 deg F , with the opportunity to warm it up a bit so I can get in there in the winter and polish wheels etc..... so the question is...... what o you guys use to heat your shops/garages.... yes I have natural gas , but that is a bit pricey for my application.... furnace wud be hugely expensive.... electric base boards aren't really that much better...... just wondering if there is something out there, that maybe I missed that is fairly efficient and not overly pricey.... probably isn't but I thought I would throw it out there and ask, as one never knows... and a wood fired stove is definitely not in the picture... any ideas??

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