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As my P51C is nearly finished, I wanted to start on a new project.

This is the Focke-Wulf Fw190C V18, about which Wikipedia says:


"The C model's use of the longer DB 603 engine required more extensive changes to the airframe. As the weight was distributed further forward, the tail of the aircraft had to be lengthened in order to maintain the desired centre of gravity. To test these changes, several examples of otherwise standard 190 As were re-engined with a supercharged DB 603 to experiment with this engine. Prototypes V13 – V16 tested various PS and DB603 engines until the V18 followed, the first to feature the full high-altitude suite of features, including the pressurized cockpit, longer wings, a 603G engine driving a new four-blade propeller, and a Hirth 9-2281 turbocharger. Unlike the experimental B models, V18 had a cleaner turbocharger installation, running the required piping along the wing root, partially buried in the fillet, and installing both the turbocharger air intake and intercooler in a substantially sized teardrop shaped fairing under the cockpit.[36] This "pouch" led to the "Känguruh" (Kangaroo) nickname for these models."


I was drawn to it as I have always loved the 190 series, particularly the ‘Langnase’ D models and in particular, this airframe had about as much natural metal as I could find on any variant which is my penchant for showing.


There are a number of period photo’s walking round the airframe so let’s take a look at the challenge ahead..







I also found some very nice shots of a built-up model – which Martin has advised is Miloslav's work - a credit to him, it's wonderful





As for the basis of the model, I found the range of 21st Century Toys 1/18 models online, which feature ‘toylike’ things such as spinning props, retractable U/C, moveable flying surfaces, but at their heart are actually very accurate replica’s of the airframes covered (at least the Fw190D is..)..


A quick tour of the model – this was £160 on ebay – probably well overpriced, but when I see what I want, I pay for it..



















So my take is this is a great basis for my next project. I have been busy collecting reference online, have a 1/48 Eduard ProfiPack Fw190D kit as a reference mule, a CD of works drawings on their way from ebay, had Arthur Bentley run me up a fabulous set of 1/18 plans and started some rudimentary artwork for some of the Photo-Etch components that will need to be developed, plus a very healthy dose of excitement and trepidation :)


I am going to need all the help I can get in interpreting Luftwaffe colours etc and I know we have ‘experten’ on hand, so please get involved :)


One thing that is different for this build though is a new thing I am trying called Patreon. This is an online platform where I get to share WIP content to ‘patrons’ who support me. It means nothing in terms of my forum posts here as they will continue with the regularity and scope they always did, but what it does mean is I can bring video to the build and in some ways ‘exclusives’ to those who choose to support me – this is an expensive hobby, I think my P51 netted out at about £1.8k all in and I am simply trying to find ways to offset that via the content I create for people to enjoy.


Anyways, no-one has to do it, but there is a welcome video with a walkaround of my P51C that anyone can see, so if you are interested take a look at that at least!


In addition, there are already Fw190C videos up


Here is the link to my Patreon page


I hope you will join me on my next journey and next time I will have this 'toy' broken down into a bunch of expensive parts :)




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I built this type very long time ago and noticed few details to be aware of. Upper wings are two tone, probably RML 74/75. Lower portion of ailerons is most likely in 76. The wheels are the older 5-hole type. The body of the turbo has finish in several shades, metal/colour or two shades of metal .

here are some "cleaner"pictures





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afternoon ladies :)


  On 3/30/2020 at 6:10 PM, Martinnfb said:

I am getting silently excited here Peter. 

That build above is in 1/32 scale from Miloslav. Based on Hasegawa kit + planet model conversion set.





Thanks for clarifying that Martin - it is an excellent model - I will go back & credit Miloslav!


  On 3/30/2020 at 6:36 PM, Martinnfb said:

I built this type very long time ago and noticed few details to be aware of. Upper wings are two tone, probably RML 74/75. Lower portion of ailerons is most likely in 76. The wheels are the older 5-hole type. The body of the turbo has finish in several shades, metal/colour or two shades of metal .

here are some "cleaner"pictures






Brilliant! It is the power of these kinds of observations that mean together we can do our best to get it right! And thise pics are much better than the ones I had, thanks again Martin :)


So where were we... breaking up the 21st Century Toys 'toy' into bits...


The model is mainly made up from bits that are either screwed together, or have 'nubs' that pass through a hole and are then melted with what looks like a soldering iron, so by breaking out those nubs it came to pieces quite easily & quickly...


..the fuselage and all those bits...




..and the wings and all those bits...




..comparing to plans, the shapes are pretty good - the fuselage is a tad short at the tail, but that's no problem to correct later..




..and the wings are fine..




..the model is covered in deep panel lines which will be a problem when it comes to skinning, so the first step was to fill these with P40 filler...






..no this is not some late war camoflage, this is what it looks like after sanding the filler down...




..the recess for the airscoop was also filled..




..then the fuselage & wings were shot with some high build primer - mainly so I have a unified looking set of parts to work with, but also to help visualisation..










..have also started to gather what drawings I can find and start translating them into what will become a large photo-etch set, although the etcher's I use PPD have suspended trading due to covid so that will be a while yet




..and even while preparing that top instrument panel part, I learned thanks to forum contributors that this Fw190 would have had ancilliary instruments like this shot of a high altitude test aircraft - this is what I will copy I expect...




so, we are on our way.... a million parts to go, but I think it is going to be a blast :)


Don't forget, if you fancy it, video builds and articles are and will continue to be posted on Patreon





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Very nice Peter!  Your last two masterpieces took my breath away, and I expect this one will as well. 

Martin is certainly an 190 expert, the man truly lives and breathes the type. Ok, I may slightly exaggerate, but he forgot more about the 190 than I'll ever know.

One thing I've been wanting to ask is,

Do you slim the core models down at all before you apply the Litho Plate, or is it negligable enought to not really bother?

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evening Gents :)


  On 4/7/2020 at 9:24 PM, Clunkmeister said:

Very nice Peter!  Your last two masterpieces took my breath away, and I expect this one will as well. 

Martin is certainly an 190 expert, the man truly lives and breathes the type. Ok, I may slightly exaggerate, but he forgot more about the 190 than I'll ever know.

One thing I've been wanting to ask is,

Do you slim the core models down at all before you apply the Litho Plate, or is it negligable enought to not really bother?



Thanks Clunk - I am indebted to Martin and hope he is my wingman on this one as I am in fully uncharted territory for me - I feel such a dunce when I start out as I know very little about the airframe - I am hoping he keeps me in line :)


As for the thickness - I don't bother reducing anything - the litho is about 0.008mm (or 0.08 I forget) so even scaled up with the adhesive is super negligable (thats my argument and I am sticking to it :) )


I had a few days off plus the weekend so managed to get some of the heavy engineering done - this is all shape & stregth groundwork for all the detail that will come later..


I wanted to join the fuselage halves together, so one task was to get the right fin profile - the V18 has the broad chord fin so I scaled the Bentley drawings and cut it from a sheet of brass - the trailing edges are left short to allow for the recessed rudder & hinge...




..I added a spigot to mount the tailwheel on later on - please excuse the terrible soldering...




..before adding this tail profile and cementing the halves together I added big brass strengthening rods to the lower fuselage so I can chop out a section to make and fit the cockpit pod..


..all this was done with JB Weld for optimum strength




..another profile addition was a brass straight edge from the cowl front to the cockpit windshield mount - the model had this line about 4 - 5mm too low and the V18 has the same upper fuselage as the D13 so no big cannon breeches - you might just be able to see it in all the JB Weld in this shot... it gives me a point to sand the filler to without straying...




..then the cowl was cut off and a fairing piece made from discs of plastic which is part of what goes on beneath the cowl flaps - the discs were made with an olfa cutter and laminated - I used an old dremel spigot as the centrally located prop shaft...




..this was added and the forward fuselage corrections made (in rough for now)..




..plus the tail was battered about to meet the brass profile...




..again on the nose, you can see the chin scoop on this variant - this was a great profile shot to show it's exact location & shape...




..I can tell you now, this is going to be very difficult to skin in metal - both inside & outside the scoop..  this is the V13 with the same scoop design, but good additional shape info..




..I started by covering the fuselage in plumbers ali tape to stop things sticking to it (for long) and added the two known shapes I have - the side profile and the shape of the airscoop hole...


I need to make this part in resin so I can skin it properly, it would be way too weak if I just make the scoop and hollow it out




..slathered in P38 filler...




..after sanding & shaping..




..and the shape is almost fully developed..




..I then cracked this off the fuselage and it is now sat in the second phase of a 2 part rubber mould so I can cast it...




..the last thing for today is correcting the fuselage extension - in the model it is a bit indistinct and too far forward, so after looking a long time at what I could do I decided that as it was such a signiature part I had to take drastic action...


I sawed the tail off...


..the profile is taken from Arthur's drawings and I will make the uniform extension section that goes here...




..you can see the kit parts are too square too when compared to the profile which will also be sorted..






..so that's it - a few days work, but I feel like I am motoring ahead





PS don't forget build videos on Patreon

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Amazing work on the chin scoop. I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but V 18 had no fuselage extension . Try to look at it as at early Fw-190 A3/4 with lots of add-ons. In one sentence, Dora was an intermediate solution, as a fill-up for the time needed for the hohenjager development , later H/C/E-model.


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Nice profile, Martin.

Now that you make note of the obvious, you can see the A-3/4 shining through plain as day. I totally missed it myself. 

You had done this in 1/32 if I remember and you saying how you turned over every rock looking for information.  

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  On 4/8/2020 at 9:13 PM, Martinnfb said:

Amazing work on the chin scoop. I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but V 18 had no fuselage extension . Try to look at it as at early Fw-190 A3/4 with lots of add-ons. In one sentence, Dora was an intermediate solution, as a fill-up for the time needed for the hohenjager development , later H/C/E-model.




..and there it is folks - 100% proof positive that forums and the good folk on them are as important to my model making as glue and filler...


Thank you Martin for pointing that out - I would have realised eventually that there is no fuselage extension on V18, but when and how far down the road I have no idea - you have saved me a ton of work & stress :)


..at least this is a simple one to recover from!


Thank you, thank you, thank you



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100% agreed, Peter. This forum and the good people on it, almost singlehandedly performed the research for my RCAF Lanc 10MP.   Without this Merry Band of Miscreants, my build would never have reached the level it did. 

These guys are truly awesome. 

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afternoon folks :)


I trust I find you all safe and well


so it's been a bitty few weeks, with a LOT of learning about this airframe I should have done before I stormed in cutting things up... hey ho, we live and learn...


lets start where we left off, which was the chin airscoop - this is the resin part as it cae out of the mould -very rough & ready but all it needs to impart are basic shapes..




..I dremmeled out the innards and used fuse wire to get the profile to make a radiator part..




..as I will never get in here once fitted, I skinned the inside and built a radiator front - mainly speculative as I have no pics of this area at all, just a drawing showing how far back it is set..




..also skinned the bottom of the fuselage where the scoop mounts - the flanges will be rolled into it to fair in the shape once fitted..




..all fitted...




however, this is where things started to really unravel...


..in looking more, and learning more, including chatting with Arthur Bentley it seems the V18 had a very different nose to the D9 or D13... for one the engine thrustline is 110mm above the datum vs 70mm for a D model, the cowl diameter is 1200mm vs the 1100mm I had for the D9 so the upshot is the nose is all wrong.... lol...not..


..the first inkling of a problem was when I saw the dotted outline on Arthurs plans for the 1200mm cowl..




..after chatting he also sent me this original FW Project drawing that was submitted to the RLM which while it shows an early version of the supercharger fitting, it does show the much higher upper nose line (almost parallel to the datum unlike the sloping D9 / D13)... the other section drawing out there was done post war - this is the real deal..




..I also used photo's to determine things like cowl flap position as these are not on the drawings - an average was taken from three side shots as there are no perfect side on views..




..the drawing was then imported into Rhino and the 3D modelling started..




..the cowl flaps are just dummies to help my orientation, but the other parts will be 3D printed to get this bit right for skinning later on..




.. I had a notion that I might be able to graft the new nose onto the Hobbyboss 1/18 kit as that is an A8 and the V18 was derived from an A1 (rear fuselage - thanks Martin - have also been advised W.Nr. 0040 --> 0110040, which was an A-1 ) so it made sense to maybe start with an earlier model standard airframe than the chopped up D9 I currently have


I put up an unboxing video anyone can access with a walk through the bits and impressions on the kit if you are interested :)


so there we are - fools rush in, I have learned a lot, I have had to adapt and I have wasted some time - but it is interesting and challenging unwrapping an enigma as compared to the P51 where I literally pulled up any drawing of any part of the airframe


...next time I should have made a start on doing things as they should have been done




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Now I fell like such an idiot , because this exactly what I said to Ernie, " the HB Fw-190A would be a much better starting point " Yet I have no skill set, that would allowed me to get anywhere close to what you presenting in your builds with an ease Peter. 

Great research work.



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I was watching your unboxing video Peter and if you don't mind me noting one detail related to the tail. I would not use the D9 drawings for the tail, D9 tail was specifically build piece for D9. V18 had piece that was modified from standard tail by grafting (extending) the leading edge (crudely) and modifying the rear flange. Therefore D9 tail does not and never will match the V18 unique, one of a kind converted piece. It is close , but not the same.

If you look at the pictures of V 18 closely , you can see the surface difference in modified areas.



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evening ladies :)


I trust all are safe & well in these troubled times..


  On 4/22/2020 at 11:57 PM, Martinnfb said:

I was watching your unboxing video Peter and if you don't mind me noting one detail related to the tail. I would not use the D9 drawings for the tail, D9 tail was specifically build piece for D9. V18 had piece that was modified from standard tail by grafting (extending) the leading edge (crudely) and modifying the rear flange. Therefore D9 tail does not and never will match the V18 unique, one of a kind converted piece. It is close , but not the same.

If you look at the pictures of V 18 closely , you can see the surface difference in modified areas.





Thats a great spot Martin - I actually redid the tail by tracing the good photo I have as I kept getting outlines being in the wrong place - hopefully now it passes muster :)


Lockdown has advantages in that between emails & conference calls, I get to do some proper work...


first up, the nose needed correcting, so I worked out where the nose starts to curve in under the cowl flaps and would meet the 3D printed part and got ready to cut it off - I struggled for a while to get an even cut line until I landed on an elastic band around the nose to mark it out..




..then the nose was cut off and a disc of the same diameter as the new cowl added & faired into..




..this was then prepped & primed..




..also sorted the tail out by fixing it, correcting the shape and adding the fairlead housing at the tip..




..moving to the wings, I decided to use the Hobbyboss kit wings but the outline around the aileron is out so this needed correcting..




..the edge was scraped (like joggling) to let in a bit of litho to the correct profile..




..a mainspar of the correct dihedral was added (the kit is out a bit), and two spigots added for the landing gear - these are just CA'd to rudimentary mounts..






..the spigots are smaller thyan I usually do as I want to be able to have flexibility when I mount the legs later on for all the odd angles the 190 gear is at, so they were ground with some serrations so the JB weld I will use will have a key when I slide a wider gear leg tube over it later...




..the moulded kit wheel wells were chopped out and the edges thinned...




..the basic gear well was refined by cutting the skin back to the main spar and the forward bulkheads and lining them and the roof with thick card..




..the kit wings are all wrong where they meet the fuselage, HB have this as flat whereas there is a curved under fuselage section and the wings fair into the fuselage higher than just the bottom of the fuselage - a lot of work went into correcting this..






..I also added brass fillet outlines as a hard point of reference and to give structural rigidity..




..still work to do, but it's getting closer..




..the 3D cowl arrived today (thanks Tim!), along with the backplate, spinner, radiator & prop boss..




..and the form of the airframe starts to emerge..










thats it for now..



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thank you Martin and hello again :)


bit more 190 stuff over the weekend..


starting to redo the chin intake.. again, I use foil tape to build on so it can be broken off for casting later - I cut formers from card and filled in the body with balsa to save filler..




..the shape was refined until I was happy..




..then it was broken off and a two part mould made (a very crap one as it just needs the rough shape..)




I skinned the airscoop roof and added some random gubbins for the back of the engine for now so it's not a big empty hole..




..in terms of the radiator inside the scoop, there is very little to go on - this picture is the V18 Arthur tells me not the V13 it is captioned as being so in here we can see what looks like a round device (like a turbo intake) sat in the middle of the radiator, with some big pipes out the back, so I deduced the radiator from the front must have some sort of circular inlet..


I can also just see what I think is a light, round smudge if you look down the throat of the chin scoop in the only front view I have..




..with that in mind, I cast a new scoop from resin, hollowed it out, skinned it in litho on the inside and built a representative radiator front.. - I guess my guess is as good as anybodys until pics or documents turn up..




..with the scoop fitted..




..the next major headache was the big under fuselage airscoop - I took the photo's I had and determined as much as I could about the shape - once happy (& this took one whole day to work out..) I made a former skeleton, again with black outlines to see where to sand filler to..








..I spent a while photographing & compositing the model and the parts to make sure it is as near as I can get it - here the skeleton can be seen composited with a photo from the same angle..




..filled with balsa first, before filling with P40..




..and after filling & sanding..




..the top of the whole unit is rounded at the edges where it meets the fuselage, in this pic you might be able to see the reflection of the rounded edge - what i mean is it is not a perpendicular panel to the fuselage bottom...




..so the top was rounded and the profile worked all the way down to the exit pipe area at the rear.. the unit was sat back on the foiled fuselage so I could add the filler and still have the right contour..




..it's pretty hard to photograph, but the form is getting closer...




thats it for now




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evening folks & thanks again Martin :)


I have spent most of the time since the last update doing computer work on the PE that will be needed, and in fact set out all the parts for the one sidewall I have drawings for - it's this side and this is a useful resto shot showing some of the basic panel work.. note the assembly is mainly pressings with rounded edges and strengthening shapes..




..I also have an A model top face picture which seems to fit with the earlier layout - there are many different shapes for the cutout where the engine start pull switch is..and n fact every side panel i look at is different in one way or another..




..after laying out all the PE, including layers to try and develop some of the pressing shapes, I thought firstly it may not actually end up looking liike a pressing, and secondly my Photo etch people PPD are still on lockdown so I don't know when I might actually be able to get the parts made up


..with this in mind I thought I would try and make my own pressings..


I used the PE designs to cut the female shape from thin plastic card and mounted it on a solid backing. After annealing litho, I used a wooden coffee stirrer to work the metal around the female mould and get the pressing - when the prototype worked, I made the parts up for real and embossed any rivets from the back..


..they are not as crisp as PE, but at least they look more like they are pressed..






..I then took zero pictures until I had finished detailing the sidewall... sorry..








still more to do, but it's a start at least..


..I now need to try and find drawings of the other side..though I may just scale things from the other resto pic I have...





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evening folks


a bit more done over the bank holiday...


I started to work on the left hand side console as seen below - I don't have a drawing of this side so I made one from scaling multiple pictures, made tricky by the oblique nature of the photographs - note also the oval pressing shapes which would need reproducing...




..I made up a female shape as I did with the first side, but I couldn't get happy with the results - the metal curves into the hole rather than the sharp lines seen in the photo - I tried annealed (left) and non-annealed metal, but both were a fail..




so I used the drawing I made to generate it in 3D and will just add a metal side plate and fair in the join - here is the pre print image Tim sent me.. you can see the console on the left and the other bits are the artificial horizon as thats quite an iconic part (& cannot be done in etch) and the Ausgleichsgefäss that sits unfer the main panel in the one cockpit photo I have..




..so while that gets printed I moved on to sorting the fuselage around the cockpit..


..I scaled the Bentley drawings and marked the key lines of the rear bulkhead & floor..




..then I cut out the sides and added scaled templates again from drawings to make sure the bulkhead shapes were correct - they were out quite a lot - the rear especially was flat sided and too narrow compared to the template so the first round of P38 filler was added to start to bulk it out..




..once that was done, the canopy area was checked, again this was a bit out with the angle being wrong (too tall at the back), too low, and the 'footprint' shape being too fat at the rear - I started by correcting the angle to the right one..




..then a scaled template added to make up the height and give the correct shape - I added a brass sheet tip so I didn't sand away the right shape...




..another set of templates added and the whole lot filled with P38...




..and after shaping & priming, I know this bit is right...




..also made double sure the front was right..




..I also added the nose bit (not the cowl) and tried to replicate the unique top cowling area the V18 had - it is not the same as any A or D model so all I can do is work from photo's - it's not finished, but it's closer than it was..






..I now had made enough changes to start to set out where things go by using the drawings to give me a scale skeleton of major reference points..




..I will start with the sidewalls, so I cut some litho sheet that overlaps slightly front and back and made a jig for the sheet to sit in - this is both sides, on the right is the carrier, a sheet that the actual sidewall will sit in that matches all the cross section drawings and on the left a sidewall is sat on it's carrier with the areas that will overlap the fusealge taped up so I know the boundaries of the space to work in..




..it's this sort of principle - I can keep taking the sidewalls out of the jig to align with parts etc and build up the detail until at some point they get mounted - I can then just skin over them..







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