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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Damn nice paint work Love it Mark
  2. just recievd Now hopfuly i findt some time to get back modelling again to much stuff to do at the moment and to hot for painting Mark
  3. Late to the party here but you are doing a great job Dondt give up now Mark
  4. take your time you will get it right Mark
  5. Thanks all the hours off painting and pollishing payd off Mark
  6. Thanks still working on the last parts just need to make the rear wing and put it in to place Mark
  7. thank you Mark
  8. thank you Mark
  9. Thanks Harv a lot off hours whent in to the paint job before i whas happy Thanks Mark
  10. Thanks for that tip Mark
  11. body work done Mark
  12. going for the last parts on the body work Mark
  13. just tryd multiple and it works strange Mark
  14. just a single one Mark
  15. i always get a error Mark
  16. nice going i love it so far Mark
  17. anny one here use imgur to upload there pics? I cant upload pics Thanks Mark
  18. Damn going to the lhs to grab the mh-60r before the are going crazy prices Mark
  19. thank you all small update 1 side done about 110 rivets in place now going for the other side Mark
  20. nice brings back some memories to 1996 when i had the luck to go for a ride in one. looking forward to your progress Mark
  21. first update drilling all the holles for the rivets the rivets with a diameter off 0.8 mm lets have fun Mark
  22. recievd this week About 1400 resin rivets and 800 metal and some tools still underway isthe paint now the rivets are here lets have fubto put them in place Mark
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